Library Advocacy Day is Wednesday, February 5th! Hundreds of library supporters will fill the halls of the Legislative Office Building in Albany to ask their legislators to Fund, Protect, and Empower New York State libraries. If you are unable to join us in Albany tomorrow, you can still make your voice heard.
Use your social media platforms!
Mid-Hudson Library System (MHLS) has created shareable graphics to use on your library’s, or your personal Facebook and Instagram accounts. Follow MHLS for shareable content for Advocacy Day (and every day!) find us on Instagram and Facebook. Don’t forget to tag your legislators, NYLA, MHLS, and use the hashtags #libraryadvocate, #LAD25, and #NYlibraries
Sign up for the NYLA Library Advocate list to receive e-mail alerts when your action is needed to act on behalf of libraries
Joining us in Albany? Visit for the most up-to-date schedule of appointments with MHLS legislators, talking points, and information about the day.
There is no better way to celebrate Love Your Library Month than letting your legislators know the importance of Library Aid. Join us in fighting for NYS Libraries!
The Division of Library Development (DLD) has announced that the 2024 Annual Report for Public and Association Libraries software is unlocked and ready for libraries to use. Please consider using this extra time to access the report and prepare.
The due date for the member library reports is Friday, February 14th. Access the report software at the Collect/Connect website.
Each year, MHLS generates a packet with information to help the member Libraries complete the annual report. These are being finalized, we’ll post on the MHLS-Notice list and provide an access link on the MHLS Tips for Completing the Annual Report webpage once they are available.
If you are new to completing the New York State Annual Report for Public and Association Libraries or if you just need a refresher, please consider registering for the Annual Report Online Workshop on January 23rd at 10am. The workshop will provide a walkthrough of the report software, provide tips for completing the report, and answer questions you may have.
Questions? – If you have questions about the annual report, please contact Laura Crisci, Library Sustainability Coordinator at
New York State Public Officer’s Law §10 requires all public library trustees (but not association library trustees) to take and file an oath of office within 30 days of beginning their term of office. Public library trustees are public officers, and the oath of office is required to officially undertake and perform the duties of a public library trustee. If a public library trustee does not properly complete and file an oath of office, the trustee’s position may be deemed vacant. See Public Officer’s Law §30(1)(h). For more information about how and why the oath of office is administered, and where to properly file an oath of office, please see the Oaths of Office FAQ on the New York State Library website
Join co-author of the Handbook For Library Trustees of New York State Rebekkah Smith Aldrich and friends for this fun and informative series! This session will cover the ins and outs of advocacy vs. lobbying and encourage trustees to connect with state legislators to make the case for increased funding for libraries and construction aid.
Have questions for the panelists? Submit them here.
This event qualifies as trustee education and may be applied towards the NYS Trustee Education Requirements.