LLSA Funds Coming Your Way! MHLS is pleased to report the receipt of $184,433 in Local Library Service Aid (LLSA), which represents 90% of the total LLSA appropriation to MHLS member libraries for 2016. The LLSA funds received by MHLS will be issued to member libraries via MHLS checks that will be mailed to member libraries the week of August 8th. LLSA is a key component of State Library Aid, which has been funded at $95.6 million, a $4 million increase over last year.
This allocation represents a 4.3% increase in total State Library Aid, is equivalent to the increase in educational foundation aid, and is the most library aid included in any state budget since 2008.
A big thank you to library supporters for your many advocacy efforts, which have resulted in increased funding of State Library Aid and State Aid for Public Library Construction!