Over the past decade more than 650 member library trustees have gotten off to a strong start on their library board thanks to a custom Essential Trustee Duties & Responsibilities workshop offered through the Mid-Hudson Library System.
Workshop designers and presenters Merribeth Advocate, MHLS Assistant Director & Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, MHLS Coordinator for Library Sustainability walk trustees (and prospective trustees) through the basics. “Our goal is to help trustees feel more confident and comfortable in their role as library trustees,” says Rebekkah, “it’s tough to know what you don’t know when you first start out on a board.”
Rebekkah Smith Aldrich & Merribeth Advocate
“We feel a sign of our success is not only the 100% approval rating we’ve received through workshop evaluations,” says Merribeth, “but also the fact that prospective board members attend and still decide to go for it!”
Merribeth and Rebekkah recently attended a statewide meeting of Public Library System staff who provide trustee education. This event was organized through the Helping All Trustees Succeed (HATS) initiative of the Public Library System Directors Organization of New York State (PULISDO) which has been led by Rebekkah for the past two years. Merribeth and Rebekkah plan to integrate what they have learned through that experience to re-design Trustee Education offerings for the Mid-Hudson Library System in the coming years. Read more about HATS here: http://bit.ly/2f0uC5i