Census Delays Field Activities to June 1, 2020 to protect the health and safety of the American public and Census employees, implement guidance from authorities regarding COVID-19, and ensure a complete and accurate count of all communities. The deadline for self-response to the Census is extended from July 31, 2020 to October 31, 2020. Update Leave operations where Census takers drop off invitations to respond and paper questionnaires at the front doors of households while updating the addresses, which is the initial contact strategy for many households in rural areas and households with P.O. Boxes, will be postponed from March 15 – April 17 to June 13 – July 9. Nonresponse Follow-up, where Census takers interview households in person to get Census responses will be postponed from May 13, – July 31 to August 11 – October 31.
For ready-to-use resources to promote the Census please visit midhudson.org/Census.