Mini-Grant for Teen Services Professional Development

happy-teens1 MHLS Mini-Grant available to help underwrite attendance at Teen Services professional development opportunities: MHLS is offering a 75% reimbursement of the cost to member library staff for two national online professional development courses regarding teen services. This mini-grant is made possible through NYS 2016 Coordinated Outreach Categorical Aid to MHLS.

Teen Services Fundamentals is an Infopeople Online Learning Course, approved by ALA’s Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC) program.

  • It runs from May 24th to June 20th.
  • The cost is $150 and MHLS will reimburse $112.50 to the member library.
  • Full information and registration at

Collaborating with Teens to Build Better Library Programs is an ALA eCourse.

Reimbursement will be based on MHLS’ receipt of the form provided on the MHLS Alerts list and a copy of the participant’s certificate of completion by July 6. Questions should be directed to MHLS Assistant Director, Merribeth Advocate: