Category Archives: Director-Home Page

Opioid Crisis Town Hall

Over two million people in the U.S. are estimated to be dependent on prescription opioids or heroin. This national epidemic is affecting communities of all sizes and the public libraries that serve them. The Public Library Association and WebJunction will host a “virtual town hall” discussion of the opioid epidemic for public library professionals. The event will be held 2:00 – 3:3pm on Tuesday, September 12. Participants will be given the opportunity to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. For more information and to register for the Opioid Crisis Town Hall:

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NYLA Early Bird Deadline: Aug. 31

Don’t delay! The early bird registration deadline for the 2017 New York Library Association Conference in Saratoga Springs, NY is August 31st! The NYLA Conference, November 8-11, 2017, is a great chance to learn a lot in a short amount of time, find out about innovative programs and initiatives while networking with colleagues and vendors. Clink here to learn more and to register.

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New I-9 Form

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has released a new version of and instructions for Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification. By September 18, 2017, employers must use only the new version.

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Round Table for New Directors

Did you know that 40% of member library directors are new to their positions within the past three years?

New and “new-ish” directors are invited to join us for the MHLS Round Table for New Directors event scheduled to be held on Wednesday, September 6th after the Directors Association meeting in the MHLS Auditorium from 12:30pm-2:30pm. Our guest speaker will be Sue Ray, Director of the Catskill Public Library. Our topic: Hiring, Firing & In Between. For more information and to register visit our online calendar.



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Are You Ready for September?

September presents a number of great opportunities for libraries to raise their profile:

Start planning now to make the most of these national opportunities. At each link above you will find tips, resources and samples to help you get noticed in your community!

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Thank You Letter Template

If your library was lucky enough to receive a Special Legislative Grant from the NYS Senate, take a moment to say thanks to your Senator! The New York Library Association has provided a template thank you letter to help your library acknowledge the award and express your thanks on behalf of your community.

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Finance Class this December

Monday, December 11th: Full day course on budgeting and financial management, the #1 requested topic by member library directors! This course is taught by NYLA Leadership & Management Academy instructors Tom Lawrence of the Poughkeepsie Public Library District and Lauren Moore, Executive Director of the Pioneer Library System. This course highlights fundamental skills required for effective budgeting and financial management. The curriculum will include: budgeting basics; interpreting monthly financial statements; developing a budget; community based planning; budget modifications; audits; budge votes; tax cap issues; and capital finance. Member Library Directors are welcome to register today


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Mileage Grant Deadline: July 15

July 15 is the first 2017 deadline to take advantage of the MHLS Member Library Mileage Equalization Grant Program. Reimbursement is contingent on member libraries providing their staff reimbursement at the IRS rate for travel to attend training or to participate in meetings sponsored by and located at MHLS headquarters in Poughkeepsie. For more information and to access the claim form directors should visit


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Discounted NYLA Membership

15% Discount on New York Library Association Organizational Memberships through MHLS: All member libraries have the opportunity to receive a 15% discount on their NYLA Organizational Membership. Paperwork has been provided to each director and is due back to MHLS by June 23rd. Questions? Contact Joan Kay, MHLS Financial Assistant,

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Sierra Lunchtime Webinar

Sierra Lunchtime Webinar – Patron Data Entry and Fields: June 20th from 12:00 – 1:00pm. MHLS Automation Coordinator Thomas O’Connell will offer his monthly lunchtime webinar of Sierra training and Q&A. The topic will be Patron Data Entry and Fields. Please register online. Log-in information will be sent to you via email within 24 hours

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