Category Archives: Director-Home Page

Annual Report Deadline

Annual Reports are due from each member library by Friday, February 25th at 5:00 pm. Information for completing the report is available at Libraries can contact MHLS Library Sustainability Coordinator, Casey Conlin, with any questions they may have about the annual report.

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Recently Approved Updates

The Director’s Association (DA) has recently approved updates to the MHLS Resource Sharing Standards Management & Reports section on Managing ILS user access. The Management & Reports section of the Resource Sharing Standards, currently titled “Updating passwords” was reviewed by the Resource Sharing Committee and those edits and updates were adopted by the DA at

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2022 MHLS Turning Outward Cohort Program

Libraries interested in participating in the 2022 MHLS Turning Outward Cohort Program have until Friday, February 11th to submit their application. Each year, MHLS works with a cohort of libraries to use the tools in Turning Outward to gather input from their community, which is used in developing a strategic or long-range plan to address

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Annual Report Software is Open

The Annual Report software is now open, and libraries can begin working on their annual reports. All member library directors should have received an email that includes information for logging in and accessing the annual report. Each library is required to complete the annual report by February 25th, 2022, at 5:00 pm.   Each year, MHLS distributes a

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MHLS New Directors Forum

The MHLS New Directors Forum will take place on Thursday, February 3rd at 1:00 pm after the DA Business Meeting. The topic will be Grant Writing for Libraries. In this webinar, participants will learn how to incorporate grants as a part of a well-balanced basket of revenue streams; develop grant projects using community needs; identify library grant funding

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Digital Navigators of the Hudson Valley

Digital Navigators of the Hudson Valley (DNHV) applications are due by Friday, January 21st. The DNHV program will prepare library workers with new skills and resources to perform the duties of a Digital Navigator including, connecting community members to resources and services to secure affordable broadband, computers, and devices, and providing basic digital literacy training

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COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 Resources: As the COVID-19 infection rates continue to rise we wanted to remind you that MHLS staff continues to monitor state and federal guidance on behalf of member libraires. Routine COVID-19 updates are posted to the MHLS-Notice List and are archived at

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The Funding Year 2022 FCC Form

The Funding Year (FY) 2022 FCC Form 471 application filing window will open on Wednesday, January 12th, 2022, at noon and will close on Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022, at 11:59 pm. The E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC) Administrative Window will close January 10th 2022. Update your EPC profile by January 10, to ensure a smoother filing

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MHLS Events Calendar Launch

MHLS Events Calendar Launch: The migration to the new MHLS events calendar is now complete! The new calendar will include features to enhance the user experience and improve MHLS staff workflows while continuing to provide information about upcoming training and events and relevant county and system meetings. The new calendar will be available beginning December

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New Member Library Directors!

  Please welcome our two newest member library directors:  John Faria began working as the new director at the Putnam Valley Free Library on December 7th.  Ivy Gocker started as the new director of the Woodstock Public Library District the first week in December.  

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Upcoming Events