Category Archives: General News-Home Page

Save the Date for MHLS Annual Membership Meeting

Friday, October 25th, is our 65th Annual Membership Meeting with Keynote Speaker Lisa Varga, Executive Director of the Virginia Library Association and Library Journal’s 2024 Librarian of the Year. Presenting Opening Minds, Closing Doors: The Threat of Censorship in Libraries

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NYLA Association Call for Annual Awards Nominations

Every year, the New York Library Association (NYLA) honors individuals and organizations for their tireless support, leadership, and advocacy for libraries at their Annual Conference. Nomination forms are open now for those deserving of recognition for one of these annual awards:• Mary Bobinski Innovative Public Library Director Award• NYLA’s Distinguished Achievement Award• Librarian of the

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NYLA Conference Scholarship

The New York Library Association (NYLA) Conference Scholarship from the Mid-Hudson Library System (MHLS) is designed to help provide new library directors and new library staff with the opportunity to attend the Annual Conference of the New York Library Association by matching funds provided by the library to underwrite conference attendance. “New” is defined as

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New York Library Association (NYLA) Membership Renewal Reminder

As NYLA is moving to a new fixed membership year, June 1st – May 31st, all joining members will be completing a 2024-2025 membership form to establish their new account and new renewal year. Everyone must join to establish their new member account even if your renewal is not up yet. Members with previous memberships expiring after

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The NYS Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 finalized

Thank you all for your efforts to advocate for these funds! Despite our wishes for higher operating aid, this was still a successful advocacy year. Given that the Governor started higher than the previous year and both houses advocated for more than the Governor’s proposal, we should be proud of the work we have done

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MHLS Board of Trustees update

The Board of the Mid-Hudson Library System met on Saturday, March 16th in the MHLS Auditorium and: All board documents are available at The next regularly scheduled meeting of the MHLS Board is on Wednesday, May 15th at 10:00 am at the Putnam Valley Library.

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Support Library Funding!

The Final FY 2025 Budget is almost here – take action now to support library funding! The Senate and Assembly have both proposed $2.5 million in addition to the increase proposed by the Governor for operating aid, the aid that most directly impacts MHLS operations. Both houses also have proposed significant increases to the State

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Consulate on Wheels

The Poughkeepsie Public Library District in partnership with the Mid-Hudson Library System and Revolucion Radio Online bring the Consulate on Wheels to the Mid-Hudson Library System Auditorium (105 Market Street, Poughkeepsie) Tuesday, April 9th through Saturday, April 13th. The Consulate General of Mexico provides its Consulate on Wheels in places where it may be difficult

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Update from Library Advocacy Day

Representatives from more than 24 MHLS member libraries that included all 5 counties joined MHLS staff and trustees for Library Advocacy Day in Albany on February 7th.  Our talking points included asking for increased library aid and construction aid in the upcoming executive budget. All library advocates are asked to continue to work to impress

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Library Advocacy Day

February 7th is Library Advocacy Day, and we need all the voices we can get to speak up for library aid! NYLA makes it easy through their Online Advocacy Center. Fill out the form to send the prewritten message or personalize the text before sending. After you use the form, spread the word about the Online Advocacy Center

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