Category Archives: General News-Home Page

Libraries Transform Because…

becauseIt’s a fact. Your library changes the lives of people in your community, school and campus every day. The American Library Association (ALA), in honor of its new public awareness campaign, Libraries Transform, wants you to share your stories of how libraries do just that.

Libraries can participate in two ways. First, libraries and librarians are asked to submit 1-2 minute videos discussing how their library transforms their community, campus or school. Submissions will be used by ALA to develop a promotional video or a series of promotional videos. For more information, check out ALA’s informational video, or visit

A second promotion asks library users to share how their library transforms their life. Using the model of the Libraries Transform campaign’s Because… statements, library lovers are asked to create their own Because… statements on social media using the hashtag, #LibrariesTransform. One randomly selected winner will receive a $100 gift card and a copy of “Secret Coders,” by Mike Holmes and Gene Luen Yang, the Honorary Chair National Library Week 2016.

For more information on how you can get involved

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Good news about library funding!

We are happy to share good news regarding the FY2016-17 New York State budget.

The following message was sent by Jeremy Johannesen , NYLA Executive Director.

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Courtesy Notices Started April 1st

A new patron-friendly feature was introduced on April 1 – Courtesy Notices! These notices are emails sent to library patrons alerting them to upcoming due dates on items they currently have checked out. This feature is helpful to patrons and can increase circulation figures through patron renewal of items they would like to keep a bit longer.


This new feature, approved by the MHLS Directors Association, was recommended by the MHLS Resource Sharing Advisory Council. Notices will be sent out daily, system-wide, to patrons who have items due in three days.

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We’re almost there!

now-is-the-timeNow is the time for us to keep the pressure on!
The state budget negotiations are about to heat up, we need to ensure these numbers make it into the final budget. Please take a moment to speak up once again, even if you already have this legislative season. The New York Library Association has provided a new message to THANK legislators for listening to their constituents and to urge them to keep their eye on funding for libraries as the final budget takes shape. We need these numbers to appear in the final budget once negotiations are done.

Act now! Use the NYLA Online Advocacy Center to send a quick message to your legislators. Please share this link with everyone you can. This is our last chance to be heard!

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From March 17 – 31, American Sniper will be available for every patron that wishes to read it—no holds, no wait lists! The title will be available for unlimited access on the MHLS Digital Download page between midday March 17 and midday March 31 for the duration of the lending period.

By participating in the Big Library Read, your patrons can join a global movement of passionate readers and library patrons who support the availability of eBooks at libraries, and it’s a great way to increase circulation!

Get the word out! There will also be a promotional spotlight at the top of the MHLS Digital Download page. To promote the Big Library Read in your community there is a poster available and additional marketing materials (including Facebook and website graphics).
See also:

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There is still time to make an impact!

Advocacy Day in Albany may have come and gone but that doesn’t mean our work is done! Between now and April 1 intensive discussions are going on to decide the fate of library aid in the State budget. Don’t let up now! Speak up and encourage others to do so as well!

Step 1: Get up to speed on the issues:

Step 2: Get the word out and help others do the same!:

  • By Phone – call the local office of your State Senator and Assemblyperson and drive home the need for:
    • Full formula funding for Library Aid, absent that, the same increase proposed for Education (4.3%)
    • Increase the State Aid for Public Library Construction Program to $30 million
  • Through Social Media – use the New York Library Association’s Virtual Advocacy Day Activities support page to use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get the word out. Don’t forget to tag your legislators so they can see the level of interest among their constituents when it comes to supporting libraries!


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Today is Advocacy Day!

make some noise

Traveling to Albany today?


Advocating from home today?

  • Call the Albany Office of your State Senator and Assemblyperson and lend your support to the advocates in Albany on March 2
    • Full formula funding for Library Aid, absent that, the same increase proposed for Education (4.3%)
    • Increase the State Aid for Public Library Construction Program to $30 million
  • Through Social Media – use the New York Library Association’s Virtual Advocacy Day Activities support page to use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get the word out about #NYLALAD16 Don’t forget to tag your legislators so they can see the level of interest among their constituents when it comes to supporting libraries!


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Virtual Advocacy Day – March 2

With Advocacy Day coming up fast now is the time to get ready to talk to legislators, even if you’re not making the trip to Albany!

Participate in “Virtual Advocacy Day” by planning to speak up by phone and through social media on Wednesday, March 2 – Library Advocacy Day in Albany.

Step 1: Get up to speed on the issues:

Step 2: Get the word out on March 2 and help others do the same!:


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One week away…

speakupWe are just one week away from Library Advocacy Day in Albany! Have you used the NYLA Online Advocacy Center to send a message to your legislators? Now is the time! If you’ve already done this can you find two more library advocates to do the same? Let’s make some noise!

What are we advocating for? Check out the Budgetary and Legislative Priorities for 2016.

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Union Vale Restrictions Lifted

Town of Union Vale Residents May Borrow Non-print Library Materials. Based on a three-year signed agreement between MHLS and the Union Vale Town Board, MHLS has removed a restriction on loaning non-print library materials to Town of Union Vale residents. The Town of Union Vale has no chartered public library.

“The MHLS Board of Trustees is very pleased to reach agreement with the Union Vale Town Board for providing public library services to Town residents,” stated Camilla von Bergen, MHLS Board President.

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