As outlined in the Phase II Action Plan, in 2018 we will be launching a “Laboratory Project” using the model of the Increasing Circulation Incubator Project from 2015. This will involve a cohort of libraries working together to explore and test best practices for affecting positive change in their efforts to engage with their community and reporting their findings to the wider MHLS community.

2018: Increasing Active Cardholders
- Data
- Introductory Data for Active Cardholders in 2017: CircActive2017 (.xls) | CircActive2017 (PDF)
- Updated Data for Active Cardholders after 2017 Q4 expired card purge: Circ-Active-2017Q4 (.xls) | Circ-Active-2017Q4 (PDF)
- “Active” is defined as when one of the following circulation activities was performed for or by the patron, as recorded in the Circ Active field of the patron record in Sierra: checking out an item, checking in an item, renewing an item, placing a hold, verifying in the WebPAC, viewing patron information with Patron API (e.g. for OverDrive; SAM & Envisionware), viewing patron information via the My Account Web Service, updating the patron record via the Patron Update Web Service, paying fines via the Fines Payment Web Service.
- Recommended Reading: