The state’s most recent Sexual Harassment Prevention Law requires every employer in New York State, including all libraries, to adopt sexual harassment prevention policy and sexual harassment prevention training that meet or exceed the law’s minimum standards. Below you will find guidance and resources to help ensure your library is in compliance with this new law. The required training must be carried out for all library employees, trustees, and volunteers by October 9, 2019.
Under the new law, every employer in New York State is required to establish a sexual harassment prevention policy. This includes all libraries. The Department of Labor in consultation with the Division of Human Rights has established a model sexual harassment prevention policy, which libraries can customize and adopt. Libraries may choose to draft a similar policy on their own, but must make sure it meets or exceeds these minimum standards. There is also a model complaint form libraries can customize and use.
Under the state’s Sexual Harassment Prevention Law, every employer in New York State is required to provide employees and non-employees with sexual harassment prevention training, which includes an interactive component, on an annual basis. This includes all libraries. This training must be completed for all staff, trustees, and volunteers by October 9, 2019. Training must also be administered annually for each employee and as soon as possible for any new hires. You can find resources and guidance below to help you meet the requirements set out in this law. Libraries that choose to create their own training programs should make sure they adhere to the training requirements set out by NYS.
This Training and Feedback Form can be administered to library staff, trustees, and volunteers with or without a supervisor present. The form includes the following, which will ensure compliance with the NYS Sexual Harassment Prevention Law:
After completion, library staff, trustees, and volunteers will submit this feedback form to the library director or personnel officer, who will keep it on file as proof that the employee has received this training.
Training must also be repeated annually for all library staff, trustees, and volunteers and completed as soon as possible for new hires.
The recorded webinar below will review how the model policy, and forms can be used to meet the NYS minimum requirements under the sexual harassment law.
For any other questions about NYS Sexual Harassment Law and how it pertains to your library, you can contact Casey Conlin.