Recognizing the changes occurring in the Mid-Hudson region, the Mid-Hudson Library System made use of project funds to assist member libraries in developing effective service responses to projected trends. Building off the strategies and thinking of Sandra Nelson’s The New Planning for Results, this program evaluated the present condition, gathered community input and projections to create an accurate vision, and developed specialized planning tools to empower library directors and trustees in analyzing their services with relation to future needs. Thirty seven regional community meetings were attended to collect this information. Essentially, this project created a macro planning system for libraries that considered long-term regional changes and identified how libraries might modify or enhance services to meet the new demands of their communities. Specific outcomes of this program included:
2022: The Shape of Library Services was funded in part by Federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds in program year 2002-3 awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services, and in part by the Mid-Hudson Library System.