Grant Writing Resources

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Grant Writing Resources

Proposal Writing Short CourseDescribes how to prepare of the various components of a funding proposal, and includes planning, research, and cultivation of potential foundation and corporate donors.
Proposal Budgeting BasicsThis online course is designed to help with the basics of developing a project budget, and it is geared for those who have general knowledge of proposal development. (Beginners might want to take the Proposal Writing Short Course.) When you complete this course, you will know:
* The basic components of a project budget
* Different types of financial documents often required for proposals
* How overhead costs and fringe benefits may be incorporated within the budget
* How to access resources on the Web, which provide templates of project budgets
Non-Profit Guides: Grant Writing ToolsTheir 10-Point Grant Writing Guide is designed to help you win grant funds for your organization. Site also includes sample budget, inquiry letter, and applications.
NY & NJ Common Area Application FormA four-page format accepted by over 60 funders which helps streamline the grant application process. New York Regional Association of Grantmakers has developed this form to assist in the often time-consuming grant preparation process. (You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or a comparable PDF reader to access this form.)
GrantProposal.comA site devoted to providing free resources for both advanced grantwriting consultants and inexperienced nonprofit staff.
U.S. Census BureauThe collector and provider of data about the people and economy of the United States.