The Public Library Association (PLA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is dedicated to supporting public libraries in measuring their performance with outcomes data. Measuring outcomes means new ways for libraries to demonstrate their effectiveness beyond patron attendance and anecdotal success stories.
The Project Outcome toolkit provides libraries with FREE access to quick and simple patron surveys, an easy-to-use survey management tool to collect their outcomes, custom reports and interactive data dashboards for analyzing the data, and various resources to help move libraries from implementing surveys to taking action using the results.
The surveys measure four key outcomes: Knowledge, Confidence, Application and Awareness.
Choose surveys for any of the following service areas:
Civic/Community Engagement
Services to inform, enrich, preserve, and promote community engagement, ranging from government issues to recreational activities. Examples include: Cultural Activities, Government Services, or Civic Engagement services and programs.
Digital Learning
Services to access technology, build technology-related skills and confidence, and make beneficial use of digital resources and services to meet patron needs. Examples include: Technology Usage Skills, Internet Education, or Computer Education services and programs.
Early Childhood Literacy
Services to improve early literacy and learning skills to prepare children ages 0-5 for school. Examples include: Storytime, Parenting/Child Development, or Every Child Ready to Read services and programs.
Economic Development
Services to improve business start-up and development skills. Examples include: Business Development or Starting Your Own Business services and programs.
Education/Lifelong Learning
Services to gain and impart new knowledge and skills, improve academic performance, and engage in a variety of lifelong learning activities. Examples include: Book Club Reviews, Author Discussions, Education Classes or Labs, or Bookmobile services and programs.
Services to improve the health of patrons and their families. Examples include: healthy cooking, healthcare information, exercise, or health and wellness services and programs.
Job Skills
Services to improve the skills needed to find and apply for jobs and advance careers. Examples include: résumé help, job fairs, or job search services and programs.
Summer Reading
Services to provide fun, engaging, and continuous reading opportunities throughout the summer and limit learning gaps for school-aged children. Examples include: Summer Reading for Adults, Teens, and Children.
Access this free toolkit by visiting
The Mid-Hudson Library System Family and Adult Literacy grants require use of Project Outcome evaluation surveys. If you have questions related to Project Outcome surveys as part of the Adult or Family Literacy grants contact Courtney Wimmers, MHLS Outreach & Engagement Specialist.