The deadline for the Digital Inclusion Survey has been extended until 11:59PM Friday, December 19.
The New York State Library strongly encourages all public and association libraries in New York to participate in the 2014 Digital Inclusion Survey, which is available through December 19, 2014. As community-based digital hubs, public libraries are critical community assets that facilitate the development and sustainability of digitally inclusive communities.
The survey generates unique and valuable data that informs policy- and decision-makers about the essential contributions of libraries in the areas of digital literacy, economic and workforce development, civic engagement, broadband, and public access to the Internet. The study uses your data in a number of ways to show how libraries help build inclusive communities including interactive mapping tools (, issue briefs, state summary pages, and more found at Survey results may be used to develop funding opportunities and to assess library program, broadband and technology needs throughout New York State and the nation.
Five reasons public library staff should say “yes” to the Digital Inclusion Survey
You can access the survey by going to and clicking on the large “Take Survey Now” button at the top of the page. On the next page you will be asked for your survey ID. You will find your ID on the Digital Inclusion Survey postcard your library director may have received in the mail or you may use the “Look it up” button underneath the ID entry box. If you wish to look at the questions before starting the survey there is a link to the PDF version of the survey in the instructions you will see after logging in with your survey ID. Note that you do not have to complete the survey in one session. You may stop at any time and resume later.
If you need any assistance with the survey please e-mail or call 301-405-9445, Monday through Friday, 9AM-5PM EST.
The Digital Inclusion Survey is funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and conducted by the American Library Association and the Information Policy & Access Center at the University of Maryland College Park, in partnership with the International City/County Management Association.