New MHLS web site launched this week! MHLS staff has redesigned to improve access to the information you need to run your library.
Using WordPress, a content management system (CMS), the functionality of the new site is much improved from both the user end and the maintenance side. Staff has also worked to streamline and improve the content from the former site to increase usability.
Here are just a few things to check out as you explore the new and improved site:
- The search feature is fantastic! Check it out in the upper right of each page – look for the magnifying glass.
- Announcements featured on the home page now include targeted messages for directors and trustees.
- Content developed over the past 12 years has been weeded and streamlined.
- New and improved interfaces for services like the Book Club in a Bag program and the Public Library Vote Toolbox.
- Updated Sample Policies and Development Questions section that aligns with the MHLS Essential Documents Inventory 2.0 project launched earlier this year!
- The Trustee Resources and Director Resources (found under the Topics button in the top toolbar) now include basics for those new to their roles.
- Updated and significantly expanded grant sources.
- A new topic area that pulls together helpful statistics and research.