The Mid-Hudson Library System (MHLS) Board of Trustees has accepted the official claims of serious inequities and hardships from the public library boards of the Beekman Library, the LaGrange Library, and the Millbrook Library. The claims were based on the Town of Union Vale providing less than median or average funding for public library services, and Town residents use of neighboring libraries representing 5% or more of the libraries’ total circulation of materials. The Town of Union Vale has no chartered public library.
MHLS and its 66 member libraries will implement a restriction, as authorized in the state approved MHLS Direct Access Plan, on loaning non-print (DVD’s, CD’s, Audiobooks, Video Games) library materials to the residents of the Town of Union Vale.
July 27, 2015 – Stop placements of holds on non-print materials by Union Vale residents.
August 3, 2015 – Stop loaning non-print materials to Union Vale residents.