Voters of the mid-Hudson Valley said “Yes!” at the polls for public library funding in 2015.
Thirty-one communities voted on tax levies for their public libraries in the MHLS region and 100% of those libraries won at the polls!
- In March the Highland Public Library passed a $4.85 million building referendum which authorizes the library to buy property and build a brand new library for the people of Highland.
- On election day we saw a record number of association libraries (13) use the municipal ballot option, also known as a “414” vote to ask voters to increase taxes for the library. For four of those libraries, Claverack, Dover Plains, Germantown and Millbrook it was their first time back at the polls in over a decade! Two others, Olive and Rhinebeck had not been to the polls in five or more years.
For the full list of recent member library vote outcomes please visit the MHLS Public Library Vote Toolbox