How to Deliver Great Library Customer Service

customer Thursday, October 13th from 2:30 – 4:00pm.

This workshop is appropriate for library directors, staff and volunteers. Drawing on 20 years’ experience as a trainer and coach, Laurie Brown will show you how to create a welcoming, friendly experience for patrons, students, and other library users. Satisfied customers mean good vibes, and happy library users are part of a strong library. In addition to learning how to fulfill the expectations of the people who use your library, you will also get pointers on listening and communications skills to help your conversations with angry, chatty, or overly demanding patrons as gracefully as possible.

This is a group viewing of a webinar provided by the American Library Association. MHLS is offering this opportunity at three locations:
Cairo Public Library
Desmond Fish Library (Garrison)
MHLS Auditorium (Poughkeepsie)

For more information and to register for the location of your choice please visit