In light of the Governor’s proposed cuts to library aid now is the time to contact our State legislators to help them understand why this is bad for New Yorkers. As the library director you have significant influence to inspire others to speak out against the cuts. Help connect legislators with their constituents:
- Write to them. The New York Library Association (NYLA) makes this easy through their Online Advocacy Center, they’ve even drafted a message for you! Take five minutes to send a quick message.
- Call them. Taking the time to call in the age of email and Tweets makes a big impression. Contact info for all MHLS area legislators
- Visit them. Face-to-face communication is the most effective thing we can do to help legislators understand how underfunded library aid and construction aid is. They need to hear your story, put a face with a name and get a real sense of what is going on in their district. Visit them in their local office, invite them to your library, come to Albany with us in March – any or all three of these activities will go a long way!