We are dubbing this Phone-a-Thon week!
A double dose of library advocacy is called for as we find ourselves activated on two fronts: Library funding at both the state and national level is under fire and NOW is the time to keep the pressure on both our New York State Senators and Assemblypeople and our national representatives in Washington D.C.
1) Please call your NYS legislators and urge them to keep the negotiations for an increase to library aid alive through the end of the month! The final budget is expected on April 1.
2) The President has called for a defunding of the federal Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) which provides a large portion of the funds that enables the State Library and Division of Library Development to exist. A looming deadline of April 3. Please use the American Library Association’s Online Advocacy Center to call your representatives ASAP and tell them to #SaveIMLS!