The Library & Leadership Management Section (LAMS) of the New York Library Association (NYLA) is seeking candidates for three scholarships to attend NYLA’s 2023 Conference in Saratoga for first-time attendees. One award will be given to Library Administrators; the second is for Library Assistants/support staff. A third award will be given to a new Director, appointed in the past three years, attending conference for the first time as a Director. The awards are $800 each and will be sent to the selected candidates after registering for the NYLA conference. The stipends can be used to cover conference costs at the winners’ discretion.
All scholarship applicants must submit a letter from a professional reference and an application in the form of a letter which includes:
• Why you wish to attend conference
• How the experience will benefit your work
• How you will share what you learn with co-workers and/or colleagues
• Your professional goals
• How attending conference will help you achieve those goals
To apply for these scholarships, submit the application and letter of reference via email to Anne de la Chapelle at delachapellea@cityofplattsburgh-ny.gov by July 15th. All applicants will be reviewed by the LAMS’ Scholarship Committee. The winners of these scholarships will be selected by July 31, 2023. Scholarship winners must be LAMS members at time of award.