The NYS Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 finalized

Thank you all for your efforts to advocate for these funds! Despite our wishes for higher operating aid, this was still a successful advocacy year. Given that the Governor started higher than the previous year and both houses advocated for more than the Governor’s proposal, we should be proud of the work we have done to make the case for library systems and our member libraries. We are also grateful to the New York Library Association for their leadership in Albany.

Here is the final budget breakdown: 

  • Library Operating Aid: $103.852 million
  • Library Construction Aid: $44 million
  • Library Materials Aid: $6.25/pupil
  • Inclusion of NOVELny: $3 million

Please take a moment to say thank you to your state legislators for their support.

There’s also $500,000 for 50% matching grants available to eligible entities participating in the Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. As more information is made available, we will share accordingly.