Are you a member of a Friends of the Library group? Do you serve as the Staff Liaison to your library’s Friends group? Do you have a stellar Friends group at your library? Could you or one of the Friends volunteers benefit from a professional development opportunity at the NYLA Annual Conference?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, please consider applying for the Friends of Libraries Section (FLS) Randall Enos Conference Scholarship to attend the 2024 NYLA Annual Conference. The award pays up to a maximum of $1,000 for an individual to attend the conference. Reimbursements may include registration, tickets for events and meal functions, lodging, and travel expenses.
Whether a community volunteer or a library staff member, applicants must be a member of FLS/NYLA and involved in a local Friends group at any type of library in New York State. Applications must be received by 5 p.m., Saturday, June 1, 2024. Learn more at www.nyla.org/friends > Our Awards & Scholarships > Enos. The application form and supporting documentation should be submitted to Marie Bindeman, FLS Scholarship Coordinator: mariebind1955@gmail.com. Please contact Marie with any questions via email or by phone: (716) 433-0548.