The Pawling Library was recently inspired by the aspirations of two teens who wanted to give something back to their community. The library started Project Do Something to bring together teens in grades 7 – 12 who wanted to have a positive impact in their community. Each week the group completes a different community service project.
More than 40 high school students attended the last two Project Do Something events at the Pawling Library!
The project list includes:
• Superhero Kits – creating capes and masks to give to kids in homeless shelters
• Planting Party – create packets of flower seeds that are full of honey bee flowers
• Color-a-Smile – create a drawing to give to people in need of a smile: seniors living alone, Meals on Wheels clients, nursing homes and more
• Pet PR – Meet a shelter dog and learn about shelters, adoptions and the myths surrounding the dogs. The kids will then pick pups to promote through the library’s social media channels to promote adoption!
Learn how teens in your library can Do Something