Adult Literacy Mini-Grants

Adult Literacy Library Services funds, awarded to the Mid-Hudson Library System by the NYS Library Division of Library Development, will be used to fund mini-grants of $1,000 each for up to 9 eligible member libraries.

These funds are intended to be used by a library to help a library develop and expand adult literacy programs (which will enhance workforce development services in public libraries, improve adult literacy on the job and in the home) and increase participation of adults in library literacy programs which will improve their career and educational opportunities.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The library must have a new or existing partnership with a Literacy Partner Organization to be considered eligible for the funds.
  • The Literacy Partner Organization must be local public schools, colleges or other organizations that are operating adult literacy programs, which is designed to initiate, enhance or extend services to adults to increase their literacy skills.
  • The library must have a related infrastructure component (such as a public computing center in the library; a literacy office in the library; the library is in a designated Literacy Zone).

More information, including the requirements, and the application form are available at Deadline: Applications must be received by June 5. Questions? Contact Merribeth Advocate, MHLS Assistant Director at