Blog Archives

“Local Preference” for eContent Now Possible

The Directors Association of the Mid-Hudson Library System have approved a service enhancement to the MHLS Digital Download Collection (OverDrive) that enables “Local Preference” for filling holds, just like our online catalog does for the physical collection.

“Local Preference” means that for items purchased by an individual library, that library’s patrons have “first dibs” on those items. Regardless of how many holds may be on that item, your library’s patron receives your library’s items first.

This enhancement was available thanks to a new sharing feature called Advantage Plus offered by OverDrive for member libraries who have Advantage accounts. These accounts are available to every member library and have already been adopted by the Beekman, Coxsackie, East Fishkill, Highland, Mahopac, Poughkeepsie, and Saugerties libraries.

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Federal Funding Update

Congressional negotiators have reached agreement on a bill to fund the U.S. government through September. The “omnibus” bill included $231 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) – a $1 million increase over FY2016. However, library advocates are keeping their eye on the President’s proposal to zero out funding for IMLS in the FY2018 budget. Please ask your US Senators to sign on to the “Dear Appropriator” letter for FY2018

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Leadership & Management Academy

The New York Library Association’s Library Leadership and Management Academy is an educational program for emerging leaders in the library profession. Participants will gain the skills and knowledge they need to advance up the career ladder in library management. Enrollees are required to complete ten courses over a three-year period to receive a Leadership and Management Academy Certificate. Qualifying courses will be offered at the NYLA Annual Conference (Oct./Nov.), in conjunction with NYLA’s Library Advocacy Day (Feb./Mar.) and during the month of June.

Who should attend The Academy? The Academy is designed for mid-career library professionals interested in obtaining the practical knowledge and basic skills critical to becoming a library leader or manager. For more information and to apply please visit

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Mr. Auchincloss Travels to Washington!

MHLS Trustee Stuart Auchincloss joined the New York contingent that traveled to Washington DC last week for National Library Legislative Day to advocate for federal library aid, the E-rate Program, “Net Neutrality” protections and support for privacy and surveillance reforms.

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Early Literacy eCourse Offer

Opportunity to attend 4-Week Early Literacy eCourse for free! In support of MHLS Early Literacy efforts, which focus on offering training in support of making member libraries vital community partners and early learning hubs in their community, we are offering a professional development opportunity for staff at MHLS member libraries underwritten by Family Literacy Library Services Funds awarded to MHLS through the NYS Division of Library Development.

ALA is offering ‘Creating Early Literacy Programs: Connecting with Early Childhood Development’ as an asynchronous eCourse beginning June 5, 2017 and continuing for 4 weeks.

Upon completion of the eCourse and the submission of the required paperwork* MHLS will reimburse a member library for the full $175 registration fee. *What’s required for a library to receive the reimbursement? 1) Submission of the form found at and 2) a copy of the participant’s Certificate of Completion from ALA by July 14, 2017.

Questions: Contact Merribeth Advocate, MHLS Assistant Director at

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New Webinar on Sustainable Library Facilities

MHLS Webinar: Sustainable Facilities: An Introduction presented by Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, MHLS Coordinator for Library Sustainability on Tuesday, May 9th from 10:00 – 11:00am. This workshop is appropriate for library directors and trustees who are tasked with maintaining a library facility that meets their community’s needs.

Sustainable library facilities are the future. Learn the basic aspects of what comprises an environmentally sustainable facility, whether you are fine-tuning your existing building or planning a new facility.

In this webinar we will:
• Identify the categories for consideration when assessing a facility’s sustainability

• Review certification programs that provide guidance and assurance about a facility’s sustainability

• Discuss where funds can come from to make a library facility more sustainable

Please register online for this event Log-in information will be sent in advance of the event.

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Say “Thanks” To Your Legislators

The New York Library Association (NYLA) makes it easy for you to thank your local legislators for their efforts during the Budget season in Albany through the NYLA Online Advocacy Center! In less than 15 seconds, you can send a message of appreciation with a pre-loaded thank you letter, or edit the letter to send your own personal message of thanks.

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Little Free Libraries

The Saugerties Public Library and Friends of the Saugerties Public Library help to improve literacy in the Saugerties community: Installation of initial 12 Little Free Libraries across the town of Saugerties completed. The Saugerties Public Library and the Friends of the Library have announced the installation of 12 “Little Free Libraries” across the Town and Village of Saugerties. “Little Free Libraries” (LFL) are free book exchanges (take a book, leave a book – but not a book you have checked out of the library) for promoting literacy and the love of reading as well as strengthening a sense of community. These 12 LFLs will join the nationwide movement to share books, bring people together and create neighborhoods of readers. Read the full story in this week’s MHLS Bulletin.

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Change Management Series

MHLS Leadership Circle: 2017 Change Management Series with Evelyn Neale, President of Successful Change & Director of the William K. Sanford Town Library. The 2017 Leadership Circle is a two-part series this year. MHLS member library directors have the opportunity to attend two events, build a plan for change and receive professional support from our speaker Evelyn Neale between the two events to help carry out their plan, to optimize their skill set to manage change in their organization.

Part 1 (May 5): Managing Known Change – Creating a Change Plan

Part 2 (October 3): Managing Unknown Change

For more information and to Register for both sessions:

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Adult Literacy Mini-Grants

Adult Literacy Library Services funds, awarded to the Mid-Hudson Library System by the NYS Library Division of Library Development, will be used to fund mini-grants of $1,000 each for up to 9 eligible member libraries.

These funds are intended to be used by a library to help a library develop and expand adult literacy programs (which will enhance workforce development services in public libraries, improve adult literacy on the job and in the home) and increase participation of adults in library literacy programs which will improve their career and educational opportunities.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The library must have a new or existing partnership with a Literacy Partner Organization to be considered eligible for the funds.
  • The Literacy Partner Organization must be local public schools, colleges or other organizations that are operating adult literacy programs, which is designed to initiate, enhance or extend services to adults to increase their literacy skills.
  • The library must have a related infrastructure component (such as a public computing center in the library; a literacy office in the library; the library is in a designated Literacy Zone).

More information, including the requirements, and the application form are available at

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