Blog Archives

One week away…

speakupWe are just one week away from Library Advocacy Day in Albany! Have you used the NYLA Online Advocacy Center to send a message to your legislators? Now is the time! If you’ve already done this can you find two more library advocates to do the same? Let’s make some noise!

What are we advocating for? Check out the Budgetary and Legislative Priorities for 2016.

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Open Meetings Law Workshop

robertjfreemanMHLS is pleased to announce that we will host a workshop presented by the Executive Director of the New York State Committee on Open Government, Robert Freeman.

This workshop is designed to help directors and trustees better understand two New York State laws that are central to transparency and accountability. In this workshop we will:

  • Learn the basics of Open Meetings Law and how it impacts board meetings;
  • Learn about the scope of the Freedom of Information Law, including internal procedures that should be in place when responding to request; and
  • Receive answers to frequently asked questions!

Wednesday, March 23rd from 6:00-8:00pm at the MHLS Auditorium (105 Market Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601).

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Trending on Facebook…

maraglia family beekmanTrending on Facebook… member libraries are stepping up to the plate to get the word out about the high return on investment patrons receive by using their library. Phoenicia, Cold Spring, LaGrange, Millbrook, Beekman, Kinderhook, Olive… libraries all over the region are posting pics of patrons – young and old – who have calculated their annual savings through use of the library to inspire their neighbors to use the NYLA Online Advocacy Center to contact their NYS legislators to encourage them to increase State Aid for Libraries this coming year. Get into the act! For more info contact Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, MHLS Coordinator for Sustainable Libraries

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Annual Report to the State Due This Friday

The deadline for the Annual Report to the State is this Friday, February 19th.

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Union Vale Restrictions Lifted

Town of Union Vale Residents May Borrow Non-print Library Materials. Based on a three-year signed agreement between MHLS and the Union Vale Town Board, MHLS has removed a restriction on loaning non-print library materials to Town of Union Vale residents. The Town of Union Vale has no chartered public library.

“The MHLS Board of Trustees is very pleased to reach agreement with the Union Vale Town Board for providing public library services to Town residents,” stated Camilla von Bergen, MHLS Board President.

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Solar Grant

solar+house+money EBSCO Solar Grant: Libraries interested in transitioning from brown power (electric, gas, oil, etc.) to solar power will want to investigate the new EBSCO grant program that will fund up to $150,000 to one or more libraries to pay for a solar installation. Applications will be accepted until April 29th with the winner(s) announced at ALA-Annual conference on June 24th. Learn more including how to apply for the grant at

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Tech Support Available February 15

MHLS will be closed on Monday, February 15th. There will be no deliveries. Technology staff will be available via the MHLS ticket system ( from 8:30am – 4:30pm to support system-wide Sierra Encore problems only.


During these hours, tech support staff will be checking the ticket system periodically each hour and will address system-wide Innovative issues, sending tickets as necessary to Innovative, and posting to MHLS lists. Please note, phone and general issue support will not be available during this time.

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Open Meetings Law Workshop

save-the-dateSave the Date! MHLS will host a workshop with Robert Freeman, Chair of the NYS Committee on Open Government, to cover the ins and outs of Open Meetings Law on Wednesday, March 23 from 6:00-8:00pm in the MHLS Auditorium.

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Sierra Users Guide

Visitors to the MHLS Sierra Knowledgebase will now see an updated home page showing the brand new Sierra Users Guide!

This new resource, developed by MHLS staff, provides a listing of dozens of how-to guides arranged in the areas of:

  • circulation
  • cataloging
  • acquisitions
  • reporting
  • reference

These can be viewed either individually or as a single lengthy PDF to assist with individual use and staff education. There is also a growing catalog of webinars at the bottom of the page. Speaking of which.. the next Sierra Questions Webinar will be held on Tuesday, February 23 at noon. Automation Coordinator Thomas O’Connell will lead this lunchtime webinar, which runs for about 45 minutes, will focus on the topic of Patron Data Entry. Registration is limited so register today through the MHLS online calendar:

The knowledgebase can be reached at Please note: This site is password protected. If you have any trouble with your password, please contact

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Advocacy Day in Albany

Your Voice Matters! Registration is now open for Library Advocacy Day in Albany! Will you join the Library Advocacy Army in Albany on Wednesday, March 2nd this year?

speakupMHLS Member Library staff, trustees, Friends and patrons of all ages are encouraged to attend Library Advocacy Day in Albany sponsored by the New York Library Association (NYLA). The goal of this event is to help legislators understand how much people care about libraries by packing the offices at every appointment. With 15 legislators to meet with we need lots of people to come and show their support.

Your attendance can make a BIG impact. Join us for meetings with your NYS representatives in Albany to make the case that Libraries ARE Education! and should receive funding increases and infrastructure investments that respect our role in the community.

We have two big items to advocate for this year:

  • Increase State Library Aid Proportionally with Increases in Education Funding. Library funding is being held flat by the Governor. The Legislature has the opportunity to do the right thing for their constituents and increase library aid to match the Governor’s proposed 4.3% increase to Education Aid. For more information:
  • An increase in State Aid for Public Library Construction. Held flat for 10 years, now is the time to increase the investment in New York’s library facilities. With more than half of MHLS member library facilities unable to meet the Americans with Disabilities Act stipulations and seriously aging infrastructure (56% of libraries in MHLS are over 50 years old and 38% are over 100 years old!) NOW is the time for an increase. For more information:

MHLS makes the day easier!

  • Online Advocacy Day Briefing: February 19th, 10:00 – 11:00am. Register at
  • Coordinated bus transportation along the NYS Thruway. Thanks to the generosity of our Friends Groups who donated to support the buses to Albany last year the ticket price this year is 25% lower! (Bus registration info can be found below)
  • All appointments with legislators are made centrally through MHLS. Appointment schedule is emailed out to those who register and posted at Meetings are scheduled between 10:00am – 3:00pm.

Registration Details for Advocacy Day

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