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Contact the Governor Today!

Advocacy-ButtonGovernor Cuomo is currently crafting his executive budget for the coming fiscal year which means that now is the right time for library advocates to speak up for library aid! Take 3 minutes out of your day to send a message to the Governor through the New York Library Association’s Online Advocacy Center.

A message from Jeremy Johannesen, Executive Director of the New York Library Association (NYLA):
We have not gotten any assurances that library funding is secure. In 2014, the last legislative election year, Governor Cuomo cut $4M in library aid as a negotiating tactic with the legislature. Now, with an upcoming election year, library aid is again subject to these same negotiating tactics. The $5M in extra funding we worked so hard to get during this year’s budget is uncertain at best. This is unacceptable.

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Give a Kid a Book!

centerforthebookPutting Books into the Hands of Kids: Books make an important and lasting difference in the lives of children by shaping and expanding their imaginations and values. However, many kids have never owned a book to call their own. Your library has the chance to change that thanks to a collaboration between the Mid-Hudson Library System and the Empire State Center for the Book in January 2016.

Research shows that children achieve superior outcomes in school and in life when they have books of their own. This consistently results in:
• faster rates of literacy acquisition;
• higher grades and test scores;
• better adaptation to school and more regular attendance;
• higher graduation rates;
• increased participation in higher education; and
• improved quality of life.

Brand new books are collected through the Holiday Book Drive at Poughkeepsie Barnes & Noble. Last year over 6,000 books were collected. The book drive calls attention to the importance of books to every child in our area, ages 1-18. In January 2016 MHLS will serve as a distribution hub for brand new books that can be picked up by your library to distribute to the children of your community. Public libraries, schools (and school libraries) and social service agencies/organizations are all eligible to sign-up for one of the distribution dates in the MHLS Auditorium: January 20, 21, 26, 27, 28. Registration is required through the MHLS online calendar

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Productivity Webinar

Productivity Webinar: Presented for MHLS by Ron Kirsop, Assistant Director, Pioneer Library System: Thursday, January 28th from 10:00 – 11:00am. This popular program from the 2015 New York Library Association Conference in Lake Placid is being brought to MHLS!

ronDesigned for library directors and staff, in this presentation, Ron Kirsop will talk about shifting the way we think about our day-to-day priorities by highlighting methods, organizational tools, and habits that can be used to make us the most productive versions of ourselves. During this webinar we will cover:
• Become familiar with six existing productivity methods.

• Learn about the best habits to increase productivity.

• Talk about productivity tools that can be used to help with organization and task management.

Please register for this even through the MHLS online calendar

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Vote Result Roundup

yesVoters of the mid-Hudson Valley said “Yes!” at the polls for public library funding in 2015.

Thirty-one communities voted on tax levies for their public libraries in the MHLS region and 100% of those libraries won at the polls!


  • In March the Highland Public Library passed a $4.85 million building referendum which authorizes the library to buy property and build a brand new library for the people of Highland.
  • On election day we saw a record number of association libraries (13) use the municipal ballot option, also known as a “414” vote to ask voters to increase taxes for the library. For four of those libraries, Claverack, Dover Plains, Germantown and Millbrook it was their first time back at the polls in over a decade! Two others, Olive and Rhinebeck had not been to the polls in five or more years.

For the full list of recent member library vote outcomes please visit the MHLS Public Library Vote Toolbox

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Hands-on Annual Report to the State Workshops

Hands-on Annual Report to the State workshops, designed for new directors, but open to all, are scheduled for January 2016:

Ÿ Friday, January 22nd from 10:00am – 12:00pm

Ÿ Monday, January 25th

Ÿ Tuesday, January 26th from 1:00 – 3:00pm

All sessions will be held at MHLS. Please register online at


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Lunchtime Webinar: MHLS Knowledgebase


MHLS Automation Coordinator Thomas O’Connell will offer his monthly lunchtime webinar of training and Q&A on Thursday, December 10th at noon. The topic will be using the MHLS Knowledgebase. The session will take place online and last about 45 minutes. There are a limited number of slots available for this session so register soon through the MHLS online calendar if you’d like to attend. If you have ideas for topics to be addressed at future lunchtime webinars with Thomas just let Thomas know: or 845.471.6060 x 221.

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Six Star Libraries in MHLS

Library Journal, the premier professional journal for libraries, has released the eighth edition of their Index of Public Library Service, also known as “America’s Star Libraries, 2015: Top Rated Libraries.” Six of this year’s Star Libraries are right here in the Mid-Hudson Library System! That accounts for 15% of all of the Star Libraries in

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2015 MHLS Member Library Mileage Equalization Grant Program

December 15th is the deadline to take advantage of the 2015 MHLS Member Library Mileage Equalization Grant Program. Reimbursement is contingent on member libraries providing their staff reimbursement at the IRS rate for travel to attend training or to participate in meetings sponsored by and located at MHLS headquarters in Poughkeepsie. For more information and

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Will Philmont win the MHLS Thanksgiving Challenge yet again?

The Philmont Library is set to defend their title as the MHLS Thanksgiving Challenge Champ! Library Director Karen Garafalo revealed her “Grateful/Thankful Tree” on Facebook last week, “…can’t remember a challenge I didn’t want to win!” said Karen!

philmont tree

And the Thanksgiving Challenge continues with a grateful/thankful tree. Stop by the library and add a leaf with a word or two about why you are grateful/thankful for the Philmont Public Library.”

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New Trustee Handbook Available

handbook State Librarian and Assistant Commissioner for Libraries Bernard A. Margolis has announced the release of the 2015 edition of the Handbook for Library Trustees of New York State. The new handbook is now available:

Highlights of the new edition:

  • New chapter on Board Development
  • Overhaul of chapters on Technology and Public Relations & Advocacy
  • Explanation of the need for an independent treasurer for public libraries (municipal, school district public libraries and special district public libraries)
  • Clarification about committee meetings and NYS Open Meetings Law
  • Information about the NYS Property Tax Cap
  • Clarification of audits and necessary internal financial controls, including information about OSC audits of public libraries
  • Promotion of competitive salaries and benefits for library personnel and the importance of investing in continuing education for both staff and trustees
  • Emphasis on the importance of thinking sustainably about the library’s future; specific information about sustainable library facilities
  • Links to recorded webinars for Trustees available through the New York State Library’s web site embedded throughout.
  • New items in the Appendix:
    • Working Together: Roles & Responsibilities Guidelines
    • Civil Service 101 for Trustees
    • Updated list of essential policies
    • Updated Public Library Glossary
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