Blog Archives

Good News from Albany! Time to say “thank you!”

Good-NewsNew York State Legislature has passed a budget that contains good news for New York’s library community and those they serve

  • Library Aid will be increased by more than $5 million over the Governor’s proposal of flat funding, bringing Library Aid up to $91.6 million – this is the largest increase to library aid in 7 years and matches the 6% increase education aid received!

    ● MTA Tax: $1.3 million was appropriated to rebate those libraries that paid in last year and Libraries and Library Systems now have permanent MTA tax exemption. The New York Library Community has been working to get this exemption since 2011.

    ● It’s official! There is $14 million in library construction aid confirmed so there will be another round of State Aid for Public Library Construction Grants for 2015-2016. Member Library Directors have been provide with a MHLS Action Memo (#15-04) which serves as the first step to apply in the next grant cycle.

Now is the time to voice your thanks to your elected representatives for their support. The New York Library Association’s Online Advocacy Center provides you with a pre-drafted thank you message. Or please feel free to call your legislators or write a note on your own stationary to express your thanks! Contact info for all NYS Legislators in the MHLS region

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Three Action Memos Due

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“In Praise of Libraries”

“The public library is the only civic institution in my community that is uncompromisingly successful.”

rotarianThe Rotarian, the official magazine of Rotarian International, recently featured an articled entitled, “In Praise of Libraries: A salute to society’s most successful civic institution.”


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Celebrate Library Workers!


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Government Efficiency Plans

The State budget includes a temporary (2014-2016) state financed property tax freeze rebate. Libraries that fall under the tax cap are potentially eligible to trigger a rebate for their taxpayers if they meet certain criteria*

Property Tax Freeze Criteria: An eligible library (meaning one that falls under the tax cap) is able to trigger a rebate for taxpayers if:

  • Year 1: Fiscal Year (FY) starting in 2015
    • Library must not exceed the tax cap.
  • Year 2: Fiscal Year (FY) starting in 2016
    • Library must not exceed the tax cap AND
    • Library must develop a Government Efficiency Plan or Shared Services Plan that must be approved by the NYS Division of Budget

For more information about developing a Government Efficiency Plan please visit the NYS Division of Budget’s web site.

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The Library Freedom Project

library freedom

The Library Freedom Project teaches librarians about privacy rights, law, and tech tools to protect patrons from dragnet surveillance.

“Threatened by surveillance from corporations and governments, our right to access information is chilled. As stewards of information and providers of Internet access, librarians play a central role in meeting the information needs of communities and are in an obvious position to educate patrons about how to shield their privacy from surveillance threats.”

The Library Freedom Project is a partnership among policy experts at the American Civil Liberties Union, tech-activists at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and an IT librarian. The project was recently honored by the Knight News Challenge as a way we can leverage libraries as a platform to build more knowledgeable communities.

Project partners will be presenting a workshop, “Digital Privacy Rights and Technology Training with The Library Freedom Project,” on Friday, April 17th from 1:00 – 4:00pm at Bard College (Annandale-on-Hudson, NY). Scheduled speakers include:

  • Alison Macrina, founder of the Library Freedom Project and Supervisor of Technology and Information Management at the Watertown Free Public Library (and recently named a 2015 Library Journal Mover & Shaker!), will provide a discussion and demonstration of practical tools for online privacy that can be implemented in library PC environments or taught to patrons in classes/one-on-one tech sessions, including browsers for privacy and anonymity, tools for secure deletion of cookies, cache, and internet history, tools to prevent online tracking, and encryption for online communications.
  • Kade Crockford, Director of the Technology for Liberty Program at the ACLU of Massachusetts, will provide an introduction to current issues of surveillance and privacy, focusing on government and corporate surveillance. Kade will address how privacy rights fit into the greater mission of libraries as democratic institutions committed to intellectual freedom, and how surveillance threatens the core values of librarianship defined by the ALA Library Bill of Rights.
  • Mariko Hirose of New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU)

Cost: $15 general admission; $5 for students (register under your .edu email for the discount, or show ID at the event.)

Register here:

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Understanding Your Leadership Style

The MHLS Leadership Circle will meet on Wednesday, April 8th from 12:30 – 2:30pm (after the DA meeting) Topic: Understanding Your Leadership Style. This event is designed for MHLS member library directors to provide an opportunity to discuss the opportunities and challenges of being a library leader.

At this event, our second meeting of this group, we will discuss:
• Leadership style self-assessment
• Understanding how your style impacts your team
• “Stories from the Frontlines” related to developing a higher understanding of how your leadership style impacts your library’s culture

This session will be facilitated by Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, MHLS Coordinator for Library Sustainability.

Please register online.

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Act Now!

Negotiations are underway between the NYS Assembly and Senate to decide how much library aid will be in this year’s NYS budget. Will the Senate’s proposed increase, which matches their proposed increase to Education Aid – exactly what we asked for – be matched by the Assembly, who currently has proposed less than half that amount? Please participate by calling your Assemblyperson to ask them to match the Senate’s proposal and by helping to direct other library supporters to the New York Library Association’s Online Advocacy Center where it takes less than 2 minutes to send a message to your legislators in Albany to advocate for an increase to library aid!

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Teleforms Action Memo Due March 20

Teleforms Action Memo Due March 20: All member libraries are asked to respond to MHLS Action Memo #15-01 regarding your library’s plans to use the Teleforms. Teleforms, also called “TNS,” is an automatic phone messaging system for hold pickup and overdue notices. The actual price charged will depend on the number of libraries that would like to participate. If your library does not respond, even if you are a current subscriber, we will assume you no longer wish to use this service.

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Summer Reading Program Mini-Grants

NYS SRP Summer Reading Mini-Grants: This year the summer reading mini-grants are focused in two distinct areas. Member Libraries can apply for one:

  • Inquiry Based Programming for Families: 20 mini-grants of $500 each are available to MHLS member libraries to incentivize collaborations with agencies that affect their community, and provide interactive inquiry based programs for families.Applications must be received by April 9, 2015. Information & Guidelines This is funded through Family Literacy Library Service Program funds, received from the NYS Library Division of Library Development for “Summer Reading at New York Libraries through Public Library Systems”. 
  • Expanding Adult Literacy through Digital and/or Arts Programming: 10 mini-grants of $500 each are available to MHLS member libraries to incentivize collaborations with agencies that affect their community, and expand adult literacy through digital and/or arts programming.Applications must be received by April 9, 2015. Information & Guidelines This is funded through Coordinated Outreach Services Program funds, received from the NYS Library Division of Library Development.
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