Blog Archives

“Public Library Finance and the Trustee’s Fiduciary Responsibilities” Webinar Recording Now Available

gerald The recording and slides for the webinar, “Public Library Finance and the Trustee’s Fiduciary Responsibilities” are now available on the State Library’s website. The webinar was presented by Jerry Nichols, Director of the Palmer Institute for Public Library Organization and Management and retired Director of the Suffolk Cooperative Library System. The webinar provides a brief overview of the Library Trustee’s roles and responsibilities in public library finance. It also reviews what every Trustee should know about the Library’s financial resources and revenue streams, investment and procurement policies and internal controls. Lessons learned from recent NY State Comptroller’s library audits are also discussed.

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Oath of Office

New York State Public Officer’s Law requires all public library trustees (but not association library trustees) to take an oath of office within 30 days of beginning their term of office. If a public library trustee does not properly complete and file an oath of office, the trustee’s position may be deemed vacant. For more information please see the Oaths of Office FAQ on the New York State Library website


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Mark Your Calendar!

2015 MHLS Directors Association Meeting Dates:

  • Thursday, January 8
  • Thursday, February 5
  • Wednesday, March 4
  • Wednesday, April 8
  • Friday, May 8
  • Tuesday, June 2
  • Tuesday, July 14
  • Wednesday, September 2
  • Tuesday, October 6
  • Thursday, November 5
  • Friday, December 4
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Save the Date!

Layout 1The New York Library Association has planned the annual Library Advocacy Day event in Albany, NY for Wednesday, February 25th! You may register for the event now. Watch for more information in January 2015 about transportation options, appointments and the NYLA Legislative Agenda!

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Clean up your review files!

At the December Directors Association meeting the group voted to update the Resource Sharing Standards to state “Review Files and Web Management reports that are older than 30 days will be deleted.” This decision was made due to the fact that there are a limited number of files available for create lists and web management

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Extended Deadline: ALA’s 2014 Digital Inclusion Survey

The deadline for the Digital Inclusion Survey has been extended until 11:59PM Friday, December 19. The New York State Library strongly encourages all public and association libraries in New York to participate in the 2014 Digital Inclusion Survey, which is available through December 19, 2014. As community-based digital hubs, public libraries are critical community assets

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MHLS Board Elects Officers

The MHLS Board of Trustees met on Saturday, December 6, in the MHLS Auditorium and elected officers for 2015:

President: Roland Patterson
Vice President: Caroline Profera
Treasurer: Regina Morini
Secretary: Lisa Baker Brill
Board Member: Camilla W. von Bergen (to serve on Executive Committee to fill the position normally held by a past seated Board President)

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Conflict of Interest Policy

Under the new Non-profit Revitalization Act all libraries in New York are required to have a Conflict of Interest policy. If you don’t have one, now is the time to approve one. If you do have one, review it to ensure it complies with the new law. A brief description of the minimum requirements are available on the New York State Division of Library Development’s website.

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Tax Cap & Property Tax Freeze Information

The webinar offered by the NYS Office of the State Comptroller (OSC): “Property Tax Cap Review and Tax Freeze Details – Local Governments – October 23, 2014” is now archived on their website.
All libraries that have ever had a public vote on their budget, and are therefore required to file the tax cap form, are urged to view this webinar, it is very straightforward and useful.
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What you need, when you need it!

Looking for the DA packet? Go to the top toolbar and click on “About MHLS” and then “DA/Advisory Committee.”

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