Blog Archives

Holiday Schedule

MHLS will be closed Monday, December 25th in observance of Christmas Day. There will be no deliveries and the MHLS ticket system will not be monitored.

MHLS will be closed Monday, January 1st in observance of New Year’s Day. There will be no deliveries and the MHLS ticket system will not be monitored.

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Off to Market

New MHLS Engage! Webinar tells the story of two libraries, Heermance Memorial Library in Coxsackie & the Hudson Area Library, who have found success in connecting with their communities at their local farmers markets!


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Winning at the Polls

2017 demonstrated, once again, that Hudson Valley residents value their libraries. Twenty-five communities voted on tax levies for their public libraries and one community voted on a building referendum. 96% of those votes were successful! You can review the full results of votes this year in the MHLS Public Library Vote Toolbox

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Applications Now Open: MHLS Early Literacy Project

Did you know that more than half of Hudson Valley students in the third grade are not proficient in the English Language Arts learning standards (i.e. not demonstrating an understanding of the content expected in the subject at that grade level).

The MHLS Early Literacy Project is a great opportunity if your library would like to focus on building long-term capacity to provide early literacy services in your community based on the best practices of this parent education initiative.

Information & applications are now available for the MHLS Early Literacy Cohort II Program. Applications are due on February 2, 2018.

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E-Rate & CIPA

How much do you know about the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and E-Rate? Are you receiving all the E-Rate dollars your library is entitled to? The State Library is providing a webinar to help you find out on Wednesday, December 13, from 10 am to 11 am. The presenter will be Robert Bocher, a nationally recognized expert on E-Rate and CIPA. Please register online

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Minimum Standards Feedback Survey

State Librarian Seeks Feedback on Proposed Changes to Commissioner’s Regulation 90.2 Minimum Standards for Public and Association Libraries: Members of the New York Library Community are invited to provide feedback via an online survey by Monday, December 18, 2017:

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Mileage Equalization Grant Deadline

MHLS Member Library Mileage Equalization Grant Program deadline: December 15th is the last deadline to take advantage of the 2017 MHLS Member Library Mileage Equalization Grant Program. Reimbursement is contingent on member libraries providing their staff reimbursement at the IRS rate for travel to attend training or to participate in meetings sponsored by and located at MHLS headquarters in Poughkeepsie. For more information and to access the claim form directors should visit

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Net Neutrality Under Threat

ALA strenuously opposes FCC proposed order on net neutrality: American Library Association President Jim Neal released the following statement regarding the proposed order on net neutrality released by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai: “Preserving net neutrality is essential for equitable access to online information and services and thus a vital concern for our nation’s libraries. Now that the internet has become the primary mechanism for delivering information, services and applications to the general public, it is especially important that commercial Internet Service Providers are not able to control or manipulate the content of these communications. Libraries, our patrons and America’s communities will be at risk if the FCC repeals all protections contained in its 2015 Open Internet Order with no plans to replace with any enforceable rules. We strenuously disagree with the FCC’s actions and will continue to advocate for essential net neutrality protections.” The FCC Commission will vote on the proposed order at the December open Commission meeting on Thursday, December 14, 2017.

Concerned about the fate of net neutrality? EveryLibrary has provided a form to help you communicate with your federal elected officials:

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Mini-Webinars for Trustees

Nine brand new mini-webinars for Library Trustees are now available on the New York State Library’s website

  • Libraries in NY: Origin, Oversight & Organization
  • Open Meetings Law: Transparent and Accountable Governance
  • Role of the Board President
  • The Public Library Treasurer: Their Role and Legal Responsibilities
  • Board Evaluation: A Key to Your Library’s Success
  • Director Evaluation: A Key to Your Library’s Success
  • Hiring Your Library CEO: The Future of Your Library Depends on It
  • Strategic Planning Parts One & Two: Creating a Path for the Future


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New App for MHLS E-Magazine Collection

On December 12 from 3:00-3:30pm member library staff have an online opportunity to learn more about the new mobile app for the MHLS E-Magazine Collection (RBdigital). This overview will cover the following:

  • Introduction to the new mobile app – RBdigital
  • User Experiences – based on what RBdigital media collections your library offers
  • Marketing Tools – what logos, marketing pieces, communication tools will be available for your local promotion
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