Category Archives: Director-Home Page

Overview of MHLS Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Tools Webinar

There is still time to register for the Overview of MHLS Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Tools webinar taking place on Friday, June 28th from 10:00-11:00am. MHLS Library Sustainability Coordinator, Casey Conlin will review specific resources to help ensure libraries are in compliance with this new law, including a Training and Feedback Form to satisfy the training

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2019-2020 Family Literacy Intent to Apply

Libraries can now submit an intent to apply form for the 2019-2020 Family Literacy Grant cycle. The Family Literacy Grant is designed to help your library work on building its capacity to provide early literacy services in your community, based on the best practices of this parent education initiative. This early literacy training program will

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2019-2020 Adult Literacy Grant Intent to Apply

Libraries can now submit an intent to apply form for the 2019-2020 Adult Literacy Grant cycle. Mini-grants of up to $1,000 will be available for up to 9 eligible member libraries. These grants are designed to help libraries develop and expand adult literacy programs at their library, which will help adults in their community improve

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NYLA Conference Grant Opportunity

MHLS is offering matching grants to help new library directors and staff members attend the New York Library Association (NYLA) Annual Conference!  Member libraries can apply for one grant per organization with a minimum request of $250 and a maximum of $500. Member libraries applying for the grant must agree to at least match the

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Construction Needs Action Memo Due 5/31

The MHLS Construction Needs Update & Intent to Apply for State Aid for Library Construction Action Memo is due from all member library directors by Friday, May 31st. In order to advocate for and administer the State Aid for Library Construction Program MHLS tracks information about member libraries’ construction/expansion/ renovation projects. This assists with statewide

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The Great Give Back Webinar – May 23

The Great Give Back, held on October 19th, is a day for library patrons to participate in meaningful service-oriented experiences. 2019 is a pilot year that expands this initiative from Long Island to the rest of New York, and MHLS libraries have the opportunity to participate this year for the first time. Join MHLS Outreach & Engagement Specialist

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New Directors Forum

The next New Directors Forum will take place on Tuesday, June 11th from 12:30 – 2:30pm after the DA meeting. This session’s topic will be Successful Budget Votes presented by MHLS Executive Director, Rebekkah Smith Aldrich. This event is designed for MHLS library directors who have been in their position for three (3) years or

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MHLS Delivery Services Transition Team

The MHLS Delivery Services Transition Team will be visiting every member library over the course of the next week. Tom Finnigan, MHLS Delivery Operations Manager and Chris Herron, MHLS Facilities Manager & Assistant Delivery Operations Manager (shown above) will be stopping in for a short visit (10 minutes or less) to update our understanding of

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Construction Grant Office Hours

MHLS member library directors who would like one-on-one assistance regarding the NYS Construction Grant can book a 1-hour session with Casey Conlin, MHLS Library Sustainability Coordinator. Reserve your spot now! Tuesday, April 23, 2019 1:00 – 4:00 PM Thursday, May 09, 2019 12:00 – 3:00 PM Wednesday, May 22, 2019 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM

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Key Employment Legislation & Compensation Issues Webinar

There is still time to register for the third and final installment in the HR Legal Issues Webinar Series, Key Employment Legislation & Compensation Issues, presented by Shari Fallon of Cornell University. During this webinar we will cover the Top 10 Legal Mistakes by Supervisors; Wage Theft Prevention Act, Equal Employment, Americans with Disabilities Act

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