MHLS Mini-Grants

The Mid-Hudson Library System is offering our member libraries the MHLS Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Mini-Grant opportunity in 2024. This grant is funded by New York State Outreach Categorical Aid funds received from the NYS Library Division of Library Development and in support of MHLS’ commitment to populations most impacted by censorship attempts through book challenges and library program challenges. MHLS established themselves as a Book Haven System on December 6, 2023 to uphold the public’s right to free and equitable access to information.

All funds must be spent by November 15, 2024. Funds will be disbursed following satisfactory completion of the Grant Closing Report and pending Mid-Hudson Library System’s receipt of 2024 categorical aid from NYS. Grant Closing Reports are due by November 22, 2024.

If the grant project extends beyond the November 15th deadline, this must be outlined in the library’s proposed timeline, a Project Check-in Report will be substituted for the Grant Closing Report to trigger the release of funds. However, all funds must be spent by November 15th regardless of the project timeline.

MHLS Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Mini-Grant

Mid-Hudson Library System (MHLS) member libraries that are interested in advancing equity and inclusion work to improve library services for their communities are invited to apply for the MHLS Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Mini Grant. This grant is in support of MHLS’ commitment to populations most impacted by censorship attempts through book challenges and library program challenges. MHLS established themselves as a Book Haven System on December 6, 2023 to uphold the public’s right to free and equitable access to information.

The American Library Association reported an unparalleled number of reported book challenges in 2023, increasing in each of the past four years. The vast majority of challenges were to books written by or about a person of color or a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. – ALA Book Ban Data.

Member libraries applying for the MHLS Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Mini-Grant will need to demonstrate how your proposed project will invest in and support the work of promoting and advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion in your library and the impact on your community. Examples of potential projects could include but are not limited to:

  • developing accessible and/or responsive library collections and programs for underrepresented/underserved populations*
  • promoting inclusivity in library collections through audits, weeding, and inclusive collection development
  • programming and/or training for library workers or community members on topics related to cultural competence; bystander intervention and de-escalation; creating safe spaces for all or similar topics.
  • staff training that strengthens diversity, equity, and inclusion practices

* Underrepresented/underserved populations: People who are underrepresented and/or experience barriers to access/use of services due to geographic location, economic status, language barriers, disabilities, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, and ethnicity.

The following grants are available:

  • Twenty-two (22) grants in the amount of $1,000 each. This is a competitive grant. One grant per library.

Eligible Costs:

  • Contracts for programs/trainers/tutors/assistive services
  • Library materials
  • Project equipment
  • Project supplies
  • Project publicity
  • Other purposes directly related to project success

Ineligible Costs:

  • Staff salaries
  • Furniture
  • Construction, or alterations to the library facility


  • Costs must be equal to or greater than the amount of grant funds awarded.
  • Funds must be spent between June 1, 2024 and November 15, 2024 however the grant project may be held for a longer period.
  • Funded libraries will be required to complete a grant closing report*.

To Apply:

  • Fill out and submit the online application and send the authentication form by email. or through the delivery to MHLS Outreach & EDI Specialist, Kerstin Cruger. Applications are due by July 22, 2024 . Recipients will be announced no later than July 2024. Funds will be disbursed following satisfactory completion of the Grant Closing Report. *
*If the grant project extends beyond the November 15th deadline, this must be outlined in the library’s proposed timeline, a Project Check-in Report will be substituted for the Grant Closing Report to trigger the release of funds. However, all funds must be spent by November 15th regardless of the project timeline.