Summer Reading Program


Summer Reading Program – Not just for kids!

Summer is a great time to let your community know what the library has to offer!

Libraries can use summer as a showcase to engage and connect with the community by offering programs for:

  • Adults
  • Youth
  • Families
  • Parents
  • Community-at-large (intergenerational)
  • Summer Reading at New York Libraries [DLD] – Access to information, resources, research, downloadable materials and online registration tools brought to you by the Division of Library Development.
    • Studies show that library summer reading programs will raise student learning levels and help prevent learning losses during the summer months.
  • Collaborative Summer Library Program [CSLP] – Member libraries will access the manual, clip art, and order incentives through the CSLP site. Please create an account, it’s free, to access all of these components provided to you by NYS.
    • To access the manual, you will need to visit the CSLP website
    • Hover over the Manual Downloads button located on the menu bar.
    • From the drop-down menu, select 2023 All Together Now.
    • You will be prompted to enter your access code. Please note the access code cannot be posted publicly so it was sent via the MHLS-Notice List. If you need the code sent to you directly please contact,

  • Use Project Outcome to evaluate your Summer Reading Program – A template has been created in Project Outcome for all MHLS libraries to use to evaluate the outcomes of their Summer Reading Program. We suggest that you collect a list of emails at your summer reading registration event, then send out this survey to the parents/caregivers at the end of the summer.

When you log into Project Outcome, look for this template and click the orange button that says “Create Survey From Template” to get started.

Summer Reading Report

Every member library is required to submit an online Summer Reading Program Final Report. This information is sent to the Division of Library Development and assists your library with needed statistics for the Member Library Annual Report.

Due Date: September 9, 2024

One report per library. If you have branch libraries all information for all buildings should be included in one report.

Questions? Contact MHLS Outreach & EDI Specialist, Kerstin Cruger,

READsquared Reporting

Libraries using the READSquared app and platform can check the knowledge base and webinar for information about using the app and collecting statistics as well as marketing materials for promoting the app.