Collection Development Through OverDrive Workshop: Best Practices for Increasing Digital Circulation – Presented by Jo-Ann Benedetti, former Outreach Consultant. Jo-Ann has over a decade of experience in selecting eBook and eAudiobook titles that circulate!
Many MHLS libraries are selecting and purchasing eBook and eAudiobooks for the shared OverDrive collection – all libraries are eligible to have their own account to do so. This workshop is designed for current content selectors as well as those who would like to start.
In this interactive workshop, you’ll learn:
• Selection tips and tricks to pick things you can be sure will circulate, and get the biggest return for your dollar
• The easiest & most productive ways to shop OverDrive and get the digital titles your patrons are asking for
• How to engage eBook readers in your community who are not currently using the library’s digital collection
• How your digital collection provides outreach support to your community
Two locations to choose from:
• Tuesday, July 14 from 12:30 – 2:30pm @MHLS Auditorium
• Monday, July 20 from 10:00am – 12:00pm @Saugerties Public Library (91 Washington Ave., Saugerties, NY 12477)
Please register online for either workshop.
Want $100 for eBooks? Read this week’s Bulletin (6.16.15) to learn about the MHLS Outreach Mini-Grant Program for OverDrive Collection Development!