Three Open Seats on the MHLS Board

Candidates sought to fill three seats on the Mid-Hudson Library System Board of Trustees:

The election of MHLS trustees will be an item of business at the Mid-Hudson Library System’s Annual Membership Meeting, Friday, October 16, 2015.

MHLS is governed by a fifteen-member board, three trustees from each of the five counties served.


Nominations are due prior to July 1, 2015.

COLUMBIA COUNTY– (5-year term- 2016-2020) Send names and contact information of nominee(s) to Julie DeLisle, Chair of the Columbia County Library Directors Association: 518.392.3666

DUTCHESS COUNTY-(5-year term- 2016-2020) Send names and contact information of nominee(s) to Carol Rodriquez, Chair of the Dutchess County Directors Association: 845.724.3414

GREENE COUNTY-(5-year term- 2016-2020) Send names and contact information of nominee(s) to Sue Ray, Chair of the Greene County Directors Association: 518.943.4230