The MHLS Board of Trustees met on Wednesday, September 16, in the Community Room of the Town of Esopus Library and:
• completed their first review of the Moving Forward assessment report of Coordinated Outreach Service;
• reviewed the Proposed MHLS Planning Process for the Library System Five-Year Plan of Service 2016-2021;
• reviewed the initial letter from attorney, Ellen M. Bach, in response to correspondence received by MHLS from the Town of Union Vale’s attorneys, regarding the implementation of the loan restriction of non-print materials to Union Vale residents;
• agreed to review at the October 16 Board meeting a proposed second letter from attorney, Ellen M. Bach, in response to correspondence received by MHLS from the Town of Union Vale’s attorneys, regarding the implementation of the loan restriction of non-print materials to Union Vale residents;
• presented the proposed MHLS Board’s 2016 Slate of Officers, for approval at the December meeting;
• reviewed and approved the System’s 2015 adjusted mid-year budget;
• approved the MHLS Capital Fund Policy;
• authenticated the System’s Construction Grant Project Application for 2015-2016;
• approved recommendations for 2015-2016 member library Construction Grant awards;
• accepted the resignation of Ulster County Board representative, David Rolfe;
• approved the following dates for its 2016 meetings: Saturday, January 23, (snow date, Tuesday, January 26) ; Saturday, March 19, (snow date, Tuesday, March 22); Wednesday, May 11; Wednesday, July 13; Wednesday, September 14; Friday, October 14; Saturday, December 10 (snow date, Tuesday, December 13). The Annual Membership Meeting is tentatively scheduled for Friday, October 14;
• approved the System’s Family Literacy and Adult Literacy final grant reports;
• approved a Resolution for MHLS to participate in an RFP with the Mid Hudson Joint Management Team (MHJMT) to solicit bids for bandwidth connectivity to the Internet for MHLS and MHLS member libraries;
• went into Executive Session for the purpose of a personnel matter regarding a particular person’s employment;
• were presented a report on Ulster County libraries by Julie Dempsey, Director of the Highland Public Library, and 2015 Chair of the Ulster County Directors Association.
The MHLS Annual Membership Meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 16, 2015, in the Terrace Ballroom of the Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel and Conference Center. Registration begins @ 8:30 AM. Registration form is available at
The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for Friday, October 16, 2015 @ the Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel-Vassar Room/430 @ 12:15 PM