After the Annual Membership Meeting on Friday, October 16th the MHLS Board of Trustees met in the Vassar Room of the Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel and Banquet Center, and:
- reported the number of items borrowed/loaned between MHLS member libraries is up 12%;
- critiqued the 56th Annual Membership Meeting;
- discussed the current status of the provision of public library services to Town of Union Vale residents;
- authorized the expenditure of $115,700 of System funds for the renovation of 1st floor bathrooms to be ADA compliant and the renovation of the 1st lobby area to improve public safety;
- approved submission of 2015 Variance Requests from the Hudson Area Association, Patterson and Reed Memorial Libraries; and
- approved the Directors Association’s revised Capital Development Fund Policy.
The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for Saturday, December 5 at 10:00am in the MHLS Auditorium. (Snow date: Tuesday, December 15)