Blog Archives

Sierra Questions Webinar

Join Automation Coordinator Thomas O’Connell on February 19th for a Sierra Questions Webinar. This lunchtime webinar will include a 20 minute presentation in which Thomas will cover running end of the month statistics in Web Management Reports and then the floor will be open to any Sierra questions you might have. Please register online for this live online event:

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Advocacy Day in Albany

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New York Library Association’s Advocacy Day
Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

Each year library advocates, just like you, from across New York State converge on Albany to voice their support to State Legislators for funding and policies that benefit libraries. Our efforts have resulted in over $7 million in additional library aid since 2011!

Our budgetary advocacy priorities for 2015:

1) Fully fund state library aid at $102.6 million as mandated in state Education Law. Currently funding sits at $85.6 million.

2) Increase library aid each year in proportion to the increase in general education funding. Total education spending in last year’s enacted budgeted increased 5.7%, but library aid increased only 1.2%.

Current library aid is at 1997 levels. Despite the stewardship and dedication of libraries across the state, it is becoming increasingly difficult to provide 21st century library services with 20th century funding. Libraries and library systems are models of shared services and collaborative planning. According to the State Education Department, local communities realize $7 in services for every $1 allocated to state library aid. That’s a HUGE return on investment!

Do you think libraries are essential? Do you think the Mid-Hudson Library System’s services are critical to the success of your local library? If you answered with a hearty YES! then please plan to join us in Albany on Wednesday, February 25th.

Register online – How to register depends on how you plan to get to Albany on February 25th:

Driving to Albany on Your Own?
1. Register through MHLS: Details and the day’s schedule will be emailed to you.
2. Directions & Parking Information are available on NYLA’s web site

Taking the bus?
MHLS partners with our neighbor, the Ramapo Catskill Library System (RCLS), to provide bus transportation with multiple stops along the New York State Thruway on Advocacy Day. Briefings & Advocacy Day Tips will be provided on the way. Your bus will arrive in Albany in time for our first legislative appointments.

  1. Register through RCLS: Registration and Payment deadline is February 18.
  2. Complete the registration form at the link above and send a check for $12 payable to “RCLS” to Ruth Daubenspeck – RCLS – 619 Route 17M – Middletown, NY 10940-4395.

Bus Stops & Departure Times:

  • Newburgh (Newburgh Mall): 7:30am
  • New Paltz (Thruway Exit 18 Parking Lot): 7:45am
  •  Kingston (Quality Inn near Thruway Exit 19): 8:15am
  • Ÿ Catskill (Thruway Exit 21 Parking Lot): 8:40am
    Bus leaves Albany at 3:30pm


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21 Voices for 21st Century Library Aid?

Will your library find AT LEAST 21 people to speak up for 21st Century funding for libraries? Now is the time! Please personally use (and encourage others to use!) the NYLA Online Advocacy Center to send a custom message to your NYS Senator and Assemblyperson to advocate for an increase to state library aid.

Through this link you can use a pre-drafted message or edit the message to make it more locally, either way it just takes a few minutes to make a big impression!

Get the word out to your stakeholders through word-of-mouth both in-person and online! NYLA has provided a “Virtual Advocacy” Toolkit to help you get the word out through your library’s web site, Facebook page and Twitter account.

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Siena Poll Confirms “Library Usage Soaring”

Siena Poll Confirms Library Use Soaring; Critical Educational Resource for Women, Communities of Color, Low-Income Households; Majority of New Yorkers Demand Increased Library Funding


ALBANY, NY – A Siena College Research Institute poll conducted the week of January 11th found that local public library usage is up 10% statewide over the last three years, with usage by young women and communities of color up nearly 15%, and up nearly 20% among those households making less than $50,000 annually. This surge in usage, along with the findings detailed below, confirm that traditionally underrepresented communities are increasingly reliant on the resources provided by their local public library, and library funding must be viewed as an equality issue.

The Siena poll findings include:

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Sign up for NYLA’s Online Advocacy Center

Sign-up for the New York Library Association’s Online Advocacy Center and speak up for libraries! As always, we rely on library stakeholders like you to take action, particularly during the NYS budget negotiation season (February & March), and contact your elected officials through NYLA’s online advocacy tools once you receive an “Advocacy Alert”. In the

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Volunteers Needed!

Call for Volunteers: The 17th annual Fall into Books Conference is scheduled to take place on Friday, October 9, 2015 and the planning committee is looking for volunteers to lead discussions at the conference for picture books, elementary level books and elementary/middle, middle, teen level books or books for all ages. If you are interested, please fill out this form and submit it as directed by Friday, February 6th.

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Arts + Culture + Transmission

Arts + Culture + Transmission: MHLS has partnered with non-profit media arts organization Wave Farm (who operates WGXC 90.7-FM in Greene and Columbia counties) who was recently awarded a grant from the New York State Council on the Arts through Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s Regional Economic Development Council Workforce Investment Program.

The funded proposal will facilitate a project called Arts + Culture + Transmission. Working in partnership with MHLS, there will be a workshop series and the establishment of participating libraries as remote broadcast and online streaming venues. Current participating libraries include Cairo, Catskill, Hudson, and New Lebanon, with others to be confirmed.

Libraries who would like to become involved are encouraged to contact WGXC Station Manager, Lynn Sloneker (

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Snapshot Day 2015

snapshotNY_logo_horizSnapshot Day 2015: NYLA is holding its fifth annual “SnapShotNY: A Day in the Life of a Library” initiative Tuesday, January 20 through Monday, February 9. Pick a day to take photos and videos of activities in your library, and to collect sample data on library usage. How do people use library services on a typical day? Document your library — how busy and how essential your library is with statistics, pictures, videos and user comments?
Ready to join?

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E-Rate Deadlines & Webinar

E-Rate Deadlines:
● Form 470 is due Thursday, February 26, 2015
● Form 471 is due March 26, 2015

For more information and a link to an informative webinar…

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New Director Roundtable to Meet in February

New Directors Roundtable to Meet on February 5th after the DA meeting. Our topic will be Personnel – Hiring & Firing. We will be joined by special guest speaker Sue Ray, Director of the Catskill Public Library. This roundtable is designed for MHLS library directors who have been in their position for three years or less to give you the opportunity to meet with others dealing with similar situations and to find answers and contacts to help you in your day-to-day life at the library.

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