Category Archives: Director-Home Page

E-Rate Deadlines & Webinar

E-Rate Deadlines:
● Form 470 is due Thursday, February 26, 2015
● Form 471 is due March 26, 2015

For more information and a link to an informative webinar…

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New Director Roundtable to Meet in February

New Directors Roundtable to Meet on February 5th after the DA meeting. Our topic will be Personnel – Hiring & Firing. We will be joined by special guest speaker Sue Ray, Director of the Catskill Public Library. This roundtable is designed for MHLS library directors who have been in their position for three years or less to give you the opportunity to meet with others dealing with similar situations and to find answers and contacts to help you in your day-to-day life at the library.

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Mark Your Calendar!

2015 MHLS Directors Association Meeting Dates:

  • Thursday, January 8
  • Thursday, February 5
  • Wednesday, March 4
  • Wednesday, April 8
  • Friday, May 8
  • Tuesday, June 2
  • Tuesday, July 14
  • Wednesday, September 2
  • Tuesday, October 6
  • Thursday, November 5
  • Friday, December 4
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Clean up your review files!

At the December Directors Association meeting the group voted to update the Resource Sharing Standards to state “Review Files and Web Management reports that are older than 30 days will be deleted.” This decision was made due to the fact that there are a limited number of files available for create lists and web management

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Extended Deadline: ALA’s 2014 Digital Inclusion Survey

The deadline for the Digital Inclusion Survey has been extended until 11:59PM Friday, December 19. The New York State Library strongly encourages all public and association libraries in New York to participate in the 2014 Digital Inclusion Survey, which is available through December 19, 2014. As community-based digital hubs, public libraries are critical community assets

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What you need, when you need it!

Looking for the DA packet? Go to the top toolbar and click on “About MHLS” and then “DA/Advisory Committee.”

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2014 Annual Report Support

The 2014 Annual Report is due from each member library to MHLS on February 19.

Hands-on Annual Report Workshops, designed for new Directors (and anyone else at your library who is new to working on the annual report) but open to all, are being held on January 21 & 23 at MHLS. Register through the MHLS online calendar.

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