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Mental Health Issues in Public Libraries

Mental Health Issues in Public Libraries: Every library employee encounters difficult patrons from time to time. An estimated 1 in 4 American adults suffer from a diagnosable mental health disorder (the leading cause of disability in America). Mental health and substance use conditions often co-occur. The experience of dealing with unpleasant behavior is common for staff in libraries of just about all sizes and types.

This program is designed for all staff that work with the public. The workshop will cover:
• Common myths about mental illness
• Possible ways to deal with unpleasant behavior
• Tips and suggestions on the best way to work with mentally ill patrons
• Resources available to your library

This workshop, presented by Janet Caruso, Division Director of Mental Health America of Dutchess County and Marlene Taylor, MHLA Community Education Coordinator, will be offered in two locations:
• Wednesday, February 24 from 10:00am – 12:00pm in the MHLS Auditorium
• Friday, March 11 from 10:00am – 12:00pm at the Starr Library in Rhinebeck.

Please register online at

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reminderDon’t forget to make use of the NYLA Online Advocacy Center to send a message to your legislators TODAY – no need to wait until Library Advocacy Day in Albany to speak up!

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Programming with a Purpose

The Pawling Library was recently inspired by the aspirations of two teens who wanted to give something back to their community. The library started Project Do Something to bring together teens in grades 7 – 12 who wanted to have a positive impact in their community. Each week the group completes a different community service project.

Pawling do something
More than 40 high school students attended the last two Project Do Something events at the Pawling Library!

The project list includes:
• Superhero Kits – creating capes and masks to give to kids in homeless shelters
• Planting Party – create packets of flower seeds that are full of honey bee flowers
• Color-a-Smile – create a drawing to give to people in need of a smile: seniors living alone, Meals on Wheels clients, nursing homes and more
• Pet PR – Meet a shelter dog and learn about shelters, adoptions and the myths surrounding the dogs. The kids will then pick pups to promote through the library’s social media channels to promote adoption!

Learn how teens in your library can Do Something

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New Delivery Schedule

Beginning on February 1st MHLS will implement the new delivery schedule approved by the MHLS Directors Association (DA) in October. This new schedule was recommended to the DA by the MHLS System Services Advisory Committee (SSAC), made up of member library directors, to meet two goals:

  • To align delivery routes with data trends related to the volume of items being transported through the delivery service, while retaining Saturday deliveries and
  • To gain efficiencies that would reduce the cost of the delivery services contract to keep this service affordable.

Prior to the SSAC recommendation to the DA, the SSAC requested MHLS staff provide options to the SSAC for changes to current MHLS Delivery Services based on reducing the cost of the contract with Hudson River Transport, which had increased by $21,997 in 2015 to a yearly amount of $365,716.

Thanks to this analysis by the SSAC, the consensus reached by the DA and negotiations conducted by MHLS staff, in November 2015, MHLS and delivery vendor Hudson River Transport signed an amended contract to implement the new DA approved delivery schedule as of February 1, 2016 resulting in a savings of over $23,000.

A list of the new MHLS Daily Delivery Services Routes, by library and by day, which will be in effect as of February 1, 2016 are available at:

If you have any questions please contact Tom Finnigan, MHLS Shipping & Receiving Manager.

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Did you know?

Did you know?
• 54% of MHLS member library facilities are not currently compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?

• 56% of member library facilities are more than 50 years old?

• 38% of member library facilities are more than 100 years old?


Don’t forget to submit your library facility “Horror Story” to the New York Library Association to help them help us by advocating for an increase in State Aid for Public Library Construction. Submit all photos no later than January 31, 2016.

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Roundtable for New Directors

simpleRoundtable for New Directors to meet after the February Directors Association Meeting: Friday, February 5th from 12:30 – 2:30pm in the MHLS Auditorium. Our topic: Sierra & Technology Simplified with special guest speaker Robert Drake, MHLS Coordinator for Technology Operations.

At this workshop we will cover:

  • An introduction to the new Sierra User Guide
  • Tools for managing technology in your library:
    • Identifying key equipment, understanding equipment needs & creating a technology plan
    • Helpful documentation, inventory and replacement best practices
    • Internet Service Provider (ISP) Issues

This event is designed for library directors who have been in their position for three years or less.

Please register online for this event at

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Friends Support Group

MHLS Friends Support Group will meet on Thursday, February 18th from 5:00 – 7:00pm at the new Boardman Road Branch of the Poughkeepsie Public Library District.

At this workshop attendees will be treated to a Backstage Tour of the Friends of the Poughkeepsie Public Library District’s brand new book store!

PPLD Friends

The new 4,000 square feet bookstore replaces the Giant Annual Booksale the Friends have conducted for almost two decades. With close to 25,000 volumes for sale the book store is open 3 days a week and is completely staffed by volunteers. All sorting and storing of donations takes place in the adjacent but separate 4,000 sq. ft. warehouse area.

The event will also include:
• News from the Friends of Libraries Section of the New York Library Association
• State Funding Update and
• Unveiling and discussion of the 2015 MHLS Friends Group Survey Results

A light dinner will be provided. Registration is required:

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Advocacy Day Briefing

Join Jeremy Johannesen, Executive Director, New York Library Association & Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, MHLS Coordinator for Library Sustainability on Friday, February 19th from 10:00-11:00am for the annual online Advocacy Day Briefing!

This event is designed for all library advocates – library directors, staff, trustees, Friends Groups, volunteers and patrons – who are interested in speaking up for libraries during the New York budget negotiation season. Between now and April 1st library advocates have the opportunity to influence a number of key issues such as library aid and state aid for library construction.

During this live online webinar we will discuss:
• Budget timeline and pressure points
• Budget & legislative priorities
• Effective talking points
• How, when and where you can speak up for libraries!

Please register online for this free webinar.

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Library Horror Stories Sought


Outdated heating and/or cooling equipment, out-of-service bathrooms or elevators, over-crowding, water damaged ceilings or flooring… sound familiar? The New York Library Association (NYLA) is gearing up for Advocacy Day 2016, and we need your help!

The 2016 NYLA Budget Priorities include a push for an increased investment in the State Aid for Public Library Construction Program so NYLA is asking for photos from libraries that demonstrate the need for and increase to this aid program.

Select photos will be included in the packets for elected officials, to show them that New York’s libraries need more funding for long-overdue critical infrastructure repairs and updates. Submit all photos no later than January 31, 2016. Submit photos from your library facility to help NYLA make the case!

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Digital Download Collection Reaches New Highs!

mhls digital downloads

Did you know?… At this point the three highest circulating days ever by MHLS patrons using OverDrive occurred:
• December 28th, 2015: 714 circs
• December 30th, 2015: 689 circs
• January 3, 2016: 696 circs

Check out the total annual circulation by MHLS patrons using OverDrive for eBooks and eAudiobooks:


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