Category Archives: Director-Home Page

Libraries that Lend “Things” Webinar

Libraries that Lend “Things” Webinar: If your library can lend books, why not: • Telescopes and microscopes? • Synthesizers or spinning wheels? • Or even replica dinosaur bones? A chief strength of libraries is making knowledge accessible through the lending of physical objects. Join us for an interactive discussion on building a circulating collection of objects for your library. Together we will explore how to select the tools needed by your community. We will also examine how partnerships with local organizations and events can help raise awareness of your tools collection. At the end of this webinar, participants will: • Identify a starting point for developing a circulating tools collection. • Define community needs and potential partners. • Recognize ways to promote user interaction with your new collection through local and library events. When: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 from 3:00 – 4:00pm. To register for this free webinar or for more information If you are unable to attend the live event, you can access the archived version the day following the webinar.

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Summer Reading Program PSAs

Promotional Videos to Promote the Summer Reading Program are available for your library’s web site! Summer Reading at New York Libraries “Every Hero Has a Story” promotional videos are now available for viewing and download

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Mileage Equalization Grant



July 15 is the first 2015 deadline to take advantage of the MHLS Member Library Mileage Equalization Grant Program. Reimbursement is contingent on member libraries providing their staff reimbursement at the IRS rate for travel to attend training or to participate in meeting sponsored by and located at MHLS headquarters in Poughkeepsie. For more information and to access the claim form directors should visit

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Friends Group Survey Due June 30

reminderThe Friends Group Survey, sent to all member library directors, is due on June 30, 2015. This survey is designed to benchmark Friends Group development, predict trends and help MHLS optimize support for area Friends Groups! Your participation is appreciated!

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Increasing eCirc!

Collection Development Through OverDrive Workshop: Best Practices for Increasing Digital Circulation – Presented by Jo-Ann Benedetti, former Outreach Consultant. Jo-Ann has over a decade of experience in selecting eBook and eAudiobook titles that circulate!

Many MHLS libraries are selecting and purchasing eBook and eAudiobooks for the shared OverDrive collection – all libraries are eligible to have their own account to do so. This workshop is designed for current content selectors as well as those who would like to start.

In this interactive workshop, you’ll learn:
• Selection tips and tricks to pick things you can be sure will circulate, and get the biggest return for your dollar
• The easiest & most productive ways to shop OverDrive and get the digital titles your patrons are asking for
• How to engage eBook readers in your community who are not currently using the library’s digital collection
• How your digital collection provides outreach support to your community

Two locations to choose from:
Tuesday, July 14 from 12:30 – 2:30pm @MHLS Auditorium

Monday, July 20 from 10:00am – 12:00pm @Saugerties Public Library (91 Washington Ave., Saugerties, NY 12477)

Please register online for either workshop.


Want $100 for eBooks? Read this week’s Bulletin (6.16.15) to learn about the MHLS Outreach Mini-Grant Program for OverDrive Collection Development!

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Non-Bin Form Reminder

Delivery Reminder: The Non-Bin Form must be attached to any materials going through the MHLS delivery system that are separate and do not fit in the regular shipping bins. Examples would be computers, die-cut machines, Book Club in a Bag, etc. Materials will not be picked up unless this form is attached. Download the Non-Bin Form here

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Spring Cleaning in Sierra

Spring Cleaning workshops offered in June! Two workshops presented by Thomas O’Connell, MHLS Automation Coordinator, will help member libraries to clean up patron and item records in Sierra.


Sierra Data Entry – Spring Cleaning:
This workshop will be beneficial for any staff responsible for creating and updating item and/or patron records in Sierra. You might be surprised by some areas where errors are often made – let’s work together to fix them!

The Directors Association recommends that at least 1 person per library attend this data entry training session to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of the shared Sierra database.

The workshop will cover:
• How to identify some of the most common errors.
• Best practices to improve accuracy.
• How to spot the ‘quirky’ things lurking in your records.
• How to clean up records, making sure the correct data is in the correct field.

Register for one of the following sessions through the MHLS online calendar:

Thursday, June 4 from 10:15am-12:15pm at the MHLS Auditorium (105 Market St., Poughkeepsie 12601)

Monday, June 15 from 10:15am-12:15pm at the Germantown Library (31 Palatine Park Rd., Germantown 12526)

Friday, June 19 from 10:15am-12:15pm at the Kent Public Library (17 Sybil’s Crossing, Kent Lakes 10512)

Monday, June 22 from 10:15am-12:15pm at the Kingston Library (55 Franklin St., Kingston 12401)

Using Sierra Create Lists to Efficiently Clean Up Records: Every library is responsible for the accuracy of their records in the Sierra database. This workshop is a companion to the ‘Sierra Data Entry: Spring Cleaning’ workshop, and is designed for staff who create and update item and/or patron records, and are looking for efficient ways to clean them up.

Attendees will learn how to develop queries in Create Lists and export data specifically designed to locate records with the most common errors that are lurking in your library’s item and/or patron data entry. The workshop will cover:
• What information can be accessed through Create Lists
• How to build efficient Queries for Create Lists
• Getting specific with your search to find the data you need

Attendees will benefit the most if they are either: regular users of Sierra Create Lists and familiar with creating and running basic reports; OR have attended the ‘Sierra Create Lists to Increase Circulation – Level 1’ training; OR have reviewed the 1 hour MHLS ‘Create List – Level 1’ webinar at
Register for one of the following sessions through the MHLS online calendar:

Thursday, June 4 from 1:15pm-3:15pm at the MHLS Auditorium (105 Market St., Poughkeepsie 12601)

Monday, June 15 from 1:15pm-3:15pm at the Germantown Library (31 Palatine Park Rd., Germantown 12526)

Friday, June 19 from 1:15pm-3:15pm at the Kent Public Library (17 Sybil’s Crossing, Kent Lakes 10512)

Monday, June 22 from 1:15pm-3:15pm at the Kingston Library (55 Franklin St., Kingston 12401)

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Weeding Workshops

Part of the MHLS Increasing Circulation Initiative


The Weeding Workshop You Have Been Waiting For!: Weeding for Packrats, “Would”-chucks, and the Rest of Us presented by Jo-Ann Benedetti and Mary Fellows, consultants at the Upper Hudson Library System will be offered as part of the MHLS 2015 Increasing Circulation Initiative!

Weeding is hard. It’s time-consuming, intellectually challenging, physically taxing, and sometimes dirty. That’s enough to put weeding last on many librarian’s To Do list, even though we know it’s essential.

In this interactive workshop, you’ll learn to:
• Overcome your reluctance to weed
• Establish practices for keeping up with weeding
• Make informed decisions about each item in your collection
• Judiciously dispose of weeded items

Please register for one of the two sessions being offered this June:

Tuesday, June 2nd
MHLS Auditorium (105 Market Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601)


Wednesday, June 3rd
Saugerties Public Library (91 Washington Ave., Saugerties, NY 12477)

Please register online for the workshop that best fits your schedule.

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Procurement Services Conference


Opportunities on the Horizon: 2015 Purchasing Forum & Trade Show, the annual professional development training conference and vendor showcase from Procurement Services (NYSPro), a division of the New York State Office of General Services (OGS). NYSPro is responsible for establishing and managing contracts for goods and services needed by government entities across the state. To learn more please visit

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Book Display Ideas

Dover readbox

Spring Display at the Dover Plains Library. Photo courtesy of library director Susan Totter who is a Trusted Advisor in the MHLS Increasing Circulation Incubator Project. See more display ideas on the Project’s Pinterest page, started by one of our Project’s Early Adopters, Sarah Potwin, Director of the LaGrange Library.

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