The State Aid for Public Library Construction Program for our region is administered through the Mid-Hudson Library System. To learn more about this program please visit the New York State Division of Library Development’s web site.
Contact Laura Crisci, Library Sustainability Coordinator, at for any questions about the construction grant program including applying for and closing grants.
General Information for State Aid for Library Construction
The State Aid for Library Construction program provides supplemental funding to projects that increase library services and accessibility, increase library staff and facility efficiency, reduce library energy use and costs, and help libraries recover from disasters. Eligible projects include renovation of existing spaces, high speed internet installations, building acquisition, new facility construction, and more. Each year funding available for library construction in New York State and the Mid-Hudson Library System exceeds need and demand for library construction statewide and locally. MHLS administers this aid program by allocating funds based on each library project’s ability to meet state eligibility guidelines and the MHLS Board Priorities for Funding. Provisions are made according to NYS regulations for reduced matching funding requirements for libraries serving economically disadvantaged communities.
The pages below provide a general overview and information on the construction aid program
- Project Guidelines and Timeframes
Learn more about State Aid for Library Construction. Information about types of projects, eligible and ineligible project components, and project timeframes.
- Preparing Your Application
Information about preparing your State Aid for Library Construction application, including application specifics, information on cost estimates, and a list of required forms.
- Close Your Project
Get helpful information on closing your construction project, with specifics on submitting the final report.
To get ready for applying for your construction aid:
- Update (or create) your library’s board approved, prioritized facility plan.
- Register for a NYS Directory Service Account (necessary to access the online application)
- FEIN and SED Vendor Number: In order for a public library to apply for funding from the NY State Library’s Public Library Construction Grant Program, the library must have its own FEIN number, which will enable the library to receive a NY State Education Department vendor number. A public library must be assigned a vendor number in order to receive construction grant funds.
- No FEIN? You will need to apply for one from the IRS.
- No NY State Education vendor number? Julia Maxwell in the NY State Library’s Division of Library Development will help the library complete the process for receiving an SED vendor ID number. She can be contacted at or by calling (518) 474-4734
- Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) issued via the Federal System for Award Management (SAM) – This is a Web-enabled, government-wide application that collects, validates, stores & disseminates business information about the federal government’s trading partners in support of contract awards, grants, & electronic payment processes. [Note: is separate and distinct from the State and Municipal Facilities Program Grants which shares the same acronym (SAM)]
- In April 2022 the UEI Number replaced the Data Universal Numbering System Number (DUNS)
- If the library was ever issued a DUNS number, it is likely a UEI was automatically created for the library in
- Sign into your account to view your assigned UEI
- If the library has never been assigned a DUNS in the past, the library will need to apply for a UEI, go to & click on the “Create an Account” link.
- as of now libraries do not need to register the UEI with
- The UEI does not expire and it is free of charge to apply.
- If your library is registered in, keep your registration is active, by renewing it annually.
- Get an Energy Audit.
- You will receive additional points if the project you apply for is part of an energy efficiency improvement as outlined in the MHLS Board Priorities for Funding.
- NYERDA’s Green Energy Green Jobs program has thorough and affordable audits
- Is your building more than 50 years old? Does your project involve ground disturbance or demolition?
- Start getting quotes for your project from contractors
- It can be difficult to get contractors to respond and provide quotes on their letterhead, which is required documentation for applying for this grant
- You cannot use architect’s quotes for price estimates for work.
Completing Your Application for Construction Aid
Below you’ll find detailed information for completing each part of your State Aid for Library Construction Aid application. This is a competitive application process so please do your best to complete all pieces of the application. You can access a short checklist document here to organization the information needed for your application, as well as the recording of the Technical Assistance Workshop. If you have any questions, contact Laura Crisci, Library Sustainability Coordinator, at
- Accessing the grant application:
- All applications for State Aid for Library Construction must be filed online. The link to the application portal will be available at:
- A NYS Directory Service Account will be necessary to complete your online application. You can register for a NYS Directory Service Account here.
- Please note that portal passwords expire periodically and may need to be reset. For username and password questions or help with login, please contact
Forms to be Completed Online in the Application Portal
The sections below are online forms that must be completed in the online application portal. It may be helpful to compose your responses in a separate document and paste them into the report once you’ve finalized your responses.
This form is one section of the application. It’s completed online in the application portal, which can be accessed here:
- The application form includes information on:
- Building address
- This is for the building where your project is taking place
- Building ownership
- Library site ownership
- Building built date and physical dimensions
- Construction projection information
- Library Director contact information
- Additional person contact information
- Project scope (new construction, expansion, etc.)
- Project Costs
- Requested aid funds
- Information about bonds for project
- Project timeframe for start and completion
- List funding sources that will contribute to this construction project (library bank accounts, other grants)
- Do NOT include the aid you expect to receive from this application
The Project Narratives section of the application includes the tabbed sections below. Your responses to the narrative questions will be used by the MHLS Incentives Committee to evaluate your grant. It may be helpful to compose your responses in a separate document and paste them into the report once you’ve finalized your answers.
- A brief description (limited to 150 characters) of the construction project.
- This is listed on the NYSL website and in information sent to Legislators, be descriptive, but concise.
- Include a complete description of the project for which applicant is requesting funding.
- If this project is part of a larger project during this award funding period, please describe the entire project.
- When a project is part of a larger project identify both clearly so that the application project can be easily identified within the larger project description.
- Describe construction activities including the intended physical alteration or improvement to the building.
Impact of Project
- The timetable should be as specific as possible, indicating
- The projected beginning date for the project
- The duration of the proposed construction/renovation
- The projected beginning and ending dates for all contractual services
- Schedules for all other significant activities impacting the project
- The timetable should list all related project activities taking place during the award funding period, broken down by year.
Budget Narrative
- Description of budget requests, vendor costs
- Associate the proposed vendor with the construction or renovation work and cost
- Describe all items entered on the Project Budget pages
- The Budget Narrative should reflect the Project Budget entries and attached quotes
- If the vendor quotes contain options, the narrative must indicate those options and the associated dollar value
- Identify the costs that will be match fund items
The Budget section includes the areas below. When completing this section fill in the actual cost, not requested grant amount.
- Purchased Services (Code 40)
- Consultant Services or Contracted Services
- Supplies & Materials (Code 45)
- Do not include supplies to be purchased by your contractor/vendor
- Equipment Expenses (Code 20)
- Any equipment that has a unit cost of $5,000 or more
The Vendor Quotes, Cost Estimates will be uploaded as Attachments in the Attachments section.
- Must be uploaded as PDF files
- Must be on contractor letterhead
- Only contractor quotes are acceptable, architect’s and engineer’s estimates are not acceptable.
Hard Copy Documents to Complete and Submit to Laura Crisci by MHLS Delivery
The documents below must be completed as described and sent to Laura Crisci ahead of the deadline through MHLS Delivery.
- One hard copy of this form, signed in blue ink, must be sent to Laura Crisci via MHLS Delivery
- Form available here:
- You must have an FEIN and Vendor Number at the time of Application.
- In order for a public library to apply for funding from the NY State Library’s Public Library Construction Grant Program, the library must have its own FEIN number, which will enable the library to receive a NY State Education Department vendor number. A public library must be assigned a vendor number in order to receive construction grant funds (Look up your library’s vendor number).
- No FEIN?
- No NY State Education vendor number?
- Julia Maxwell in the NY State Library’s Division of Library Development will help the library complete the process for receiving an SED vendor ID number. She can be contacted at or by calling (518) 474-4734.
- UEI number -If your organization is currently registered in with either an active or inactive registration, you have already been assigned a UEI. Your UEI is viewable on your entity’s registration record in To learn how to view your UEI, see this guide: How can I view my unique entity identifier (UEI)?
- One hard copy of this form, signed in blue ink, must be sent to Laura Crisci via MHLS Delivery
- Form available here:
- Despite what is indicated in the Payee Information Form instructions, a substitute W-9 Form must be completed by all construction applicants.
PDF Documents To Be Uploaded to the Application Portal
The documents below should be uploaded in PDF format when possible. File names will ideally identify the library and what type of document it is.
- The Assurances Document (must be signed in blue ink)
- File must be uploaded
- File is found here:
- Must be signed by Library Board President
- Assures compliance with relevant laws and regulations applicable to the State Aid for Library Construction Program
- Read this document carefully:
- There is an item at the end of page 1 regarding leased space which should NOT be checked if the building is not leased
- There are two questions regarding State and Municipal Facilities Program (SAM) Grants at the top of page 2.
- All libraries must check the first box.
- Libraries receiving SAM funds must also check the second box.
- Files must be uploaded
- Also referred to as “Proof of Available Funds”
- Examples of documentation:
- Bank Statement
- Letter on official letterhead signed by Board Official
- Proof of Bond: tax exempt bonds, bond anticipation notes, revenue anticipation notes, or similar form of obligation. (See instructions for required attachments).
- Legislative Member Item
- The Short Environmental Assessment Form
- Completed documents should be uploaded as PDF files
- The library can be the lead agency.
- Include the documents below:
- SEAF Part 1
- SEAF Part 2 & 3
- Map
- A screenshot of the library’s address in google maps or other map, with the address noted on the document may suffice
- More information on SEAF and SEAF Workbooks
- In most cases, the Short Environmental Assessment Form will be sufficient. Contact Laura Crisci if you believe you must complete the Full Environmental Assessment Form
- Detailed photographs of the proposed construction project site are required to accompany each application. Pictures must be submitted as part of the online application process.
- Photographs (scanned, labeled, and submitted through the online portal). All photos must be submitted in one (1) Word document or PDF.
- Documents such as engineering plans, architectural drawings and concept illustrations if available are helpful but not required.
- Must be uploaded as PDF file
- Required if the library does not own the building
- Must verify the following:
- Certify that the lease agreement or other legal arrangement for the building will be in effect for a minimum 10 years from the date of anticipated project completion
- That there is full awareness of and agreement with the construction project implications
- That the owner has the legal authority to approve the improvement of the space, and
- That the building is open to the public
- Files must be uploaded.
- If the library building is owned by a School District or BOCES and the total State Aid for Library Construction project cost will be $10,000 or more, the applicant must submit plans and specifications to the State Education Department’s Office of Facilities Planning (OFP) for review and approval.
- Filed in Application Form OR Uploaded PDF file of Approval Letter from SHPO
- See the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Attachment 1 in the Formal Agreement with the State Education Department for a list of projects exempt from SHPO Review.
- If your project is listed in this document, copy and paste the relevant text into your Application Form under SHPO
- If you project is not listed in the MOU you must get approval from SHPO
- This webinar from DLD provides an overview of SHPO: Understanding SHPO: A Primer for Library Construction Projects
- Upload certification forms as PDF files
- If a library is purchasing property (vacant land or a building), then provide documentation from the local municipality that the proposed use of the site/building that is being acquired is allowable according to local land use.
- See DLD’s State Aid for Library Construction – Preparing Your Application webpage for more information about Municipal Consent for Site/Building Acquisition Projects.
- File must be uploaded
- Contact Laura Crisci for more information about this construction aid and bonding.
- File should be uploaded.
- You will receive additional points if the project you apply for is part of an energy efficiency improvement as outlined in the MHLS Board Priorities for Funding.
- NYERDA’s Green Energy Green Jobs program has thorough and affordable audits
Hard Copy Documents to Complete and Submit to Laura Crisci by MHLS Delivery after DASNY approval
The documents below will need to be completed as described and sent to Laura Crisci through MHLS Delivery once the project has been approved by DASNY and the library has received official notification of the final award amount.
The FS-10 Forms (must be signed in blue ink).
- 3 hard copies, signed in blue ink must be sent to Laura Crisci, by MHLS Delivery
- Be sure to include your name title when signing.
- FS-10 forms can be printed from the online application.
Closing State Aid for Library Construction Projects
Once your construction project is complete, you can follow DLD’s Close Your Construction Project to close your project and receive the final 10% of your project funding.
The application portal used to apply for construction aid is used to complete the closing process. The portal can be found here: Please note that portal passwords expire periodically and may need to be reset. For username/password questions or help with login, please contact
MHLS Board Priorities for Funding
To be considered for funding a project must:
- Meet eligibility requirements as defined in NYCRR Title 8 – Education §90.12
- Be part of the library’s board approved, prioritized facility plan [Sample Facility Plan Outline] which is reported to MHLS through the Construction Needs Action Memo issued annually in April. If a library is breaking a large project into phases this must be itemized with a timeline within the facility plan, and
- Provide for at least one of the following outcomes (points are awarded for each outcome the project addresses, so, the more the better!):
- An increase in services through an increase in usable public space or increased staff efficiencies (e.g., new buildings, additions to current buildings, renovation of existing areas for new uses); and/or
- An increase in access (e.g., compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); improved broadband; optimization of a space to bring in a new or underserved population; creation of climate controlled space to ensure access to historically relevant materials); and/or
- Energy conservation in the context of a professional’s recommendations or with an historic preservation element. For the purposes of the MHLS board’s ranking, a “professional’s recommendation” will, at least, include the results of a Level 2 ASHRAE Energy Audit or comparable energy study which includes a comprehensive walk through of the facility, site staff interviews, utility bill analysis, fuel neutral, unbiased evaluation of potential low-cost/no-cost and capital improvement energy efficiency upgrades, and an energy study report that outlines potential energy and cost savings opportunities for your facility that has been conducted within the past five years. Libraries are expected to use ENERGY STAR certified products (e.g. Heating & Cooling equipment, water heaters, lighting, windows, doors, and insulation in order to earn this point. For roof replacements a measurable improvement in the R value of the roofing system should be demonstrated; and/or
- Disaster recovery in the context of a substantial loss of access to library services due to a low probability-high consequence event(s) (e.g., fire, flood). This will apply to libraries: (1) located within a declared state or federal disaster area, or (2) not located within a declared disaster area if sufficient evidence documents a low probability-high consequence event resulted in substantial loss of access to library services. Within the grant narrative the library must adequately describe: a) length of forewarning; b) magnitude of impact; and c) duration of impact, meaning lack of access by the public to library services; and/or
- Leadership in sustainable design in the context of either active participation in
the Sustainable Library Certification Program or pursuit of a facility’s certification through the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program (LEED); Green Globes; Living Building Challenge; Energy Star; Net Zero Energy Building Certification and/or Passive House. A board-approved Climate Action Plan or demonstrable alignment with a municipal Climate Action Plan or Climate Smart Communities effort can also lead to earning this point.
MHLS Definition for an Economically Disadvantaged Community
- A political subdivision within which the percentage of the population living in poverty is equal to or greater than the New York State average as demonstrated by federal census data.
Previously Awarded Library Construction Aid
Relevant Legislation