
The Mid-Hudson Library System is a cooperative public library system, chartered by the New York State Board of Regents in 1959. Our organization serves Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Putnam, and Ulster counties and has 66 member libraries.

Mission Statement

The Mid-Hudson Library System acts to uphold the public’s right to free and equitable access to information and library resources; facilitate economical resource sharing; and promote professional and inclusive library services in partnership with our independent member libraries.

Vision Statement

We envision a world in which individuals, families and communities thrive when they have access to information, resources, learning environments and library services that respect the triple bottom line of social equity, economic feasibility, and environmental stewardship.

Core Values

  • Responsive Customer Service: The staff and board of the Mid-Hudson Library System strive to be active listeners and timely problem solvers that create a culture of support and professionalism with each other and our member libraries.
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: The staff and board of the Mid-Hudson Library System believe in working together to co-create a society that is free from structural inequities.
  • Environmental Stewardship: The staff and board of the Mid-Hudson Library System are committed to minimizing our organization’s ecological impact and maximizing future generations’ ability to live, work, and play in our shared natural environment, with equal access to clean air, clean water, and natural resources.
  • Economic Feasibility: The staff and board of the Mid-Hudson Library System are committed to achieving sustainable funding both for the System and for member library services.
  • Future-Focused: The staff and board of the Mid-Hudson Library System are devoted to optimizing, balancing, iterating and innovating services to equip member libraries for the future.


MHLS operates under a 5-year Plan of Service developed in partnership with our member libraries. Services can be categorized into two areas:

Resource Sharing

By working together public libraries are stronger and able to provide more to their public. We support the infrastructure that enables partnership among 66 regional libraries and beyond. For example:

Library Sustainability

This area of service manages both state mandated services and consulting and continuing education for member libraries. There is no need for libraries to re-invent the wheel. By pooling knowledge about what works and what doesn’t at the System, libraries can learn from each other to provide the highest quality library service. MHLS serves as a clearinghouse of best practices, examples, and trend spotting

MHLS Facts

  • For every $1 invested in system services we produce $10 in service for the residents of the Hudson Valley.
  • There are more than 1.7 million unique titles in the shared online catalog and you can have physical items from any library delivered to your library.
  • MHLS delivery services are one-seventh the cost of mailing items between libraries.
  • Member libraries save their communities over $12 million annually by sharing items.

MHLS Basics & Core Documents