Turning Outward 2022 Cohort Program

“Turning Outward” is a process developed by The Harwood Institute for Public Innovation, which entails taking steps to better understand communities, changing processes and thinking to make conversations more community-focused, being proactive to community issues, and putting community aspirations first. Each year, MHLS will work with a cohort of libraries to use the tools in Turning Outward to gather input from their community, which will be used in developing a strategic or long range plan to address community needs that resonates with library staff and trustees and the people the library serves. Cohort libraries will participate in monthly calls, which support them in meeting monthly goals, understanding Turning Outward concepts, and developing a strategic plan.

For more information, contact MHLS Executive Director, Rebekkah Smith Aldrich.

March 10 - Program Overview, Turning Outward Introduction, & Action Planning
April 14 - Public Knowledge & Community Conversations
May 12 - Action Plans in Action & Conversation Skills
June 9 - Experiences in Conversations & Organizing What You're Hearing
July 14 - What Did You Hear & Analyzing Capacity
September 20 - Understanding the Components of a Strategic Plan
October 26 - What's Your Plan?
November 14 - Finishing Up
  • Finish Strategic Plan
  • Complete Follow-up Survey